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Vulners proxy

Vulners Proxy is an open-source caching proxy designed to optimize and secure your infrastructure's interaction with the Vulners database. It routes requests from multiple Vulners agents or API uses through the Vulners Proxy, reducing duplicate queries and conserving credits. Additionally, it adds a layer of data obfuscation for enhanced security.

Key Features

  • Efficiency: Reduces unnecessary API requests by caching responses.
  • Security: Offers data obfuscation by encrypting real IP addresses of similar hosts.


Debian-based OS

  1. Add Vulners Public Key:

    wget -O- | apt-key add -

  2. Create Vulners List File:

    echo "deb focal main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/vulners.list

  3. Install Vulners Proxy:

    apt-get update && apt-get install vulners-proxy

Source code

  1. Prerequisites:

    • Ensure Python 3 and pip are installed.
  2. Clone and Set Up:

    git clone
    cd vulners-proxy
    pip install -U -r requirements.txt

  3. Run the Server:

  4. Manually: uvicorn main:app --host --port 8000
  5. As a Service: Configure systemd to manage the service with a sample service file located at /etc/systemd/system/vulners-proxy.service

    $ cat /etc/systemd/system/vulners-proxy.service
    Description=Vulners proxy
    ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/uvicorn main:app --host --port 8000

Proxy configuration

The configuration file at /etc/vulners_proxy/vulners_proxy.conf allows for customization of logging, server host and port, caching behavior, and encryption settings.

LogFile = /var/log/vulners_proxy/vulners_proxy.log
LogLevel = ERROR

Workers = 1
Port = 8000
Host =
Reload = False
ApiCacheTimeout = 3600                  # seconds
CacheTimeout = 10800                    # seconds
CacheDir = /tmp/vulners-proxy.cache/
StatisticCacheDir = /tmp/vulners-proxy.statistic.cache/
Secret = secret_for_encrypt_ip_fqdn     # 32 symbols required length
EnableEncryption = 0                    # 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled
ApiRequestTimeout = 120


Logging settings, proxy server host and port, cache directory, and timeout can be adjusted.

Additionally, the proxy has the capability to encrypt the IPs and FQDN of your agents before forwarding them to Vulners. To enable this feature, set a secret key and change the EnableEncryption flag to 1.

API key

While encryption is enabled, readable agent identifiers will not be visible in the Linux scanner dashboard, only hashes. To generate readable reports, configure a custom dashboard on your side of the proxy. For instance, you can use Defect Dojo with the Vulners plugin.

Starting the Proxy

Enable and start the Vulners Proxy service with systemd commands:

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable vulners-proxy
systemctl start vulners-proxy

Agent and API configuration

Redirect your Vulners agents and API requests to the proxy by specifying the proxy's address in their respective configuration files. Add the proxy host address at the end.

  • Agent Configuration Example: Update /etc/vulners/vulners_agent.conf with the proxy's address.

    api_key = YOUR_SECRET
    vulners_host = http://<proxy_vm_ip_address_or_fqdn>:8000

  • API Configuration Example: Use the server_url parameter in your API client setup to point to the proxy.

    import vulners
    vulners_api = vulners.VulnersApi(api_key="YOUR_SECRET", server_url="http://<proxy_vm_ip_address_or_fqdn>:8000")
    # Plain text software + version example for Ngnix 1.4
    sw_results = vulners_api.get_software_vulnerabilities("nginx", "1.4")
    sw_exploit_list = sw_results["exploit"]

Proxy UI

Vulners proxy has a simple web GUI. With it, you can monitor the proxy status, credits consumption, and some statistics. To log in to the GUI, set your API key in the proxy configuration. To generate an API key, log in to Vulners, go to the userinfo space and click on the API KEYS tab. In the "Scope" field, select "scan", and click SAVE. The result should look something like this:


To see GUI, open proxy host in browser:

Proxy GUI

Running as a Docker Container

Vulners Proxy is also available as a Docker image, simplifying deployment. The image can be run directly or with customized port forwarding and API key configuration for UI access:

docker run -p 80:8000 -e apiKey=YOUR_SECRET vulners/proxy

For custom configurations, mount a local config file into the container:

docker run --rm -p 8000:8000 -v /path/to/local/config.conf:/etc/vulners_proxy/vulners_proxy.conf vulners/proxy:latest
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