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API key

An Application Programming Interface (API) key is a unique identifier used to authenticate and authorize API calls. Each license—free, trial, basic, pro, advanced, etc.—requires its own API key. The following guide shows you how to quickly generate an API key.

1) Register an account:



2) Log In and access API keys tab

log in after registration

3) Generate an API Key

  • Choose a name for your API key.
  • Select the appropriate scope from the list below:
  • webhook — Authorize notification webhook
  • scan — Use in a Linux agent
  • api — Authorize any API calls
  • errata — Authorize Vulners Centos Errata
  • reports — Generate Linux scanner reports


  • Select the license type:


Optionally, restrict access to your API key by specifying IPv4 addresses.

4) Save Your API Key. Your API key is now ready to use!

api key

If you have any questions, please contact us.

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