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veeamVeeam softwareVEEAM:KB2096
HistoryFeb 09, 2016 - 12:00 a.m.

Veeam Cloud Connect - Compiling Provider/Tenant Logs for Support Cases

Veeam software

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Veeam Service Provider Console 8 New Feature

Starting in Veeam Service Provider Console 8, it is now possible for Service Providers to create a support case from within the Veeam Service Provider Console console. This new feature also includes automatic log collection during case creation.


Given the additional complexity of Cloud Connect compared with standalone installations of Backup & Replication, additional logging and information is needed to expedite cases with our Cloud Connect teams whenever feasible. All information should be obtained whether you are submitting an issue as aTenantor aService Provider .


Infrastructure Information

Include the following information:

  • Provider Name *Tenant Name *Job Type that is having issues *Job Name that is having problems *Tenant Public IP

*Please document the public IP of the Tenant Veeam Server connected to the cloud gateway. Having this information will help identify the connection in the Cloud Gateway logs. You can identify this by using a utility such as <;

Logs From Tenant’s Environment

To ensure that the most relevant logs are present in the latest logs. Reproduce the error (if applicable), and then collect the tenant’s Veeam Backup & Replication logs.

Collecting Logs from Tenant Environment

  • For failing jobs:
    Export logs for the job (backup, backup copy, or replication) that is having an issue.

tenant logs

  • **For restores and replica failovers: **Export a log bundle for the backup or replication job (as above) and manually collect logs from the following directories on the tenant’s Veeam Backup server. (%ProgramData%\Veeam\Backup\)
    • Entire “CloudConnect” directory (if it exists)
    • Entire directory with the name of the VM that was restored or replicated

Logs from Service Provider’s Environment

After reproducing the error (if applicable), collect and submit provider-side logs for the job using the instructions below.

Log Collection Scopes

  • Tenant-specific Log Collection – Used for collecting logs specific to a single tenant.

  • System-Wide Log Collection – For issues impacting service provider components or multiple tenants.

Tenant-Specific Log Collection

New feature starting in Veeam Cloud Connect 12.1.
For issues involving a single tenant, the Export-VBRLogs PowerShell cmdlet can be used to export logs for a specific tenant.

Consider the following example script:

#Adjustable Parameters  
$TenantName = "Tenant"  
$DaysPast = 7  
$ExportFolder = "C:\Temp\"  
#Collect Logs Using the Provided Parameters  
Export-VBRLogs -Tenant (Get-VBRCloudTenant -Name $TenantName) -FolderPath $ExportFolder -LastDays $DaysPast -Compress


System-Wide Log Collection

**Option 1:**Use Built-In Wizard Driven Log Generator

For providers with newly configured infrastructure or a few tenants, use the built-in log generator tool to gather logs from allmanaged servers related to the issue. Collecting logs from cloud gateways, repositories, and other relevant infrastructure in addition to the backup server is crucial.

Service Provider Logs

Specify the component logs for all servers and specify only the last 2-3 days.

Log Date Range

**Option 2:**Manual Log Collection

Providers with many tenants can use the built-in log collection tool but may find it produces a large (multi-GB) log bundle. As an alternate option, Providers may choose to manually collect logs using the following information:

Tip: It’s best to save the collected information in a .zip file with an identifiable name, such as “<tenant_name>”

Some listed files may not be present if they do not apply to your issue, but ensure you look at the correct server for each directory or filename. Some files will have several rotations, and the oldest files will be archived as .zip or .gz.

On Veeam Cloud Connect Server:

  • Collect these files in the root of _%ProgramData%\Veeam\Backup_
    • Svc.VeeamBackup* (filenames beginning with “Svc.VeeamBackup”)
    • Zip files named “<date stamp>_Svc.VeeamBackup”
    • CloudAppliance*
    • RTS.ResourcesUsage.log
    • In rare cases, other files in this directory may be relevant, so including anything with a recent modification date is prudent.
  • Collect the contents of these folders**:**
    • %ProgramData%\Veeam\Backup\Console\
      (if using a remote console, collect from that machine as well)
    • %ProgramData%\Veeam\Backup\CloudConnect\
    • %ProgramData%\Veeam\Backup\CloudConnectService&lt;tenant_name>\
    • %ProgramData%\Veeam\Backup\CloudConnectService\
      (excluding subfolders for other tenants)
    • %programdata%\veeam\backup\Utils
    • %programdata%\veeam\backup\ResourceScan
    • %programdata%\veeam\backup\RegistryOptions

On Cloud Gateway Servers**:**

  • Collect files matching this nomenclature:
    • %ProgramData%\Veeam\Backup\Svc.VeeamGateSvc*

WAN Accelerator (if applicable):

  • Collect files matching this nomenclature:
    • %ProgramData%\Veeam\Backup\Svc.VeeamWANSvc*.log

Repository Servers (for backup and backup copy jobs)****:

Check which server is listed as the Host for the Repository in the console (Backup Infrastructure > Backup Repositories).

  • **Windows Repository **Collect the entire content of these folders:
    • %ProgramData%\Veeam\Backup\CloudConnectService&lt;tenant_name>\
    • %ProgramData%\Veeam\Backup\CloudConnectService\ (excluding subfolders for other tenants)
  • **Linux Repository **Collect the entire content of these folders:
    • /var/log/VeeamBackup/CloudConnectService_<tenant_name>_* (may be multiple directories)

**Note:**Logs from Network Extension Appliances are automatically copied to their controlling Veeam Backup & Replication server, so in most cases, it is not necessary to gather logging from these appliances manually.

More information

For information about attaching files to a support case, please review: <;

Related Articles

For more information on how we process the collected data, please visit:

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