Lucene search


Products – A

Vendor NameProduct NameVulnerabilities
Apache Software FoundationApache Orc1
Apache Software FoundationApache Ozone10
Apache Software FoundationApache Parquet1
Apache Software FoundationApache Pdfbox7
N/aApache Pdfbox7
Apache Software FoundationApache Pinot2
Apache Software FoundationApache Plc4x1
Apache Software FoundationApache Pluto2
Apache Software FoundationApache Poi3
N/aApache Poi3
Apache Software FoundationApache Pony Mail1
The Apache Software FoundationApache Pony Mail (incubating)1
Apache Software FoundationApache Portable Runtime2
Apache Software FoundationApache Portable Runtime (apr)4
Apache Software FoundationApache Portals4
Apache Software FoundationApache Pulsar16
Apache Software FoundationApache Qpid Broker-j6
Apache Software FoundationApache Qpid Dispatch Router1
Apache Software FoundationApache Qpid Proton1
Apache Software FoundationApache Qpid Proton-j1
Apache Software FoundationApache Ranger8
N/aApache Rocketmq3
ApacheApache Roller4
Apache Software FoundationApache Roller4
Apache Software FoundationApache Santuario2
ApacheApache Santuario - Xml Security For Java1
Apache Software FoundationApache Sentry1
Apache Software FoundationApache Servicecomb1
Apache Software FoundationApache Servicecomb-java-chassis1
Apache Software FoundationApache Shardingsphere Elasticjob-ui1
Apache Software FoundationApache Shardingsphere(incubator)1
Apache Software FoundationApache Shardingsphere-ui1
Apache Software FoundationApache Shenyu3
Apache Software FoundationApache Shenyu (incubating)5
Apache Software FoundationApache Shenyu Admin1
Apache Software FoundationApache Shiro12
N/aApache Shiro12
N/aApache Skywalking2
Apache Software FoundationApache Skywalking Nodejs Agent1
Apache Software FoundationApache Sling8
N/aApache Sling8
Apache Software FoundationApache Sling Commons Messaging Mail1
ApacheApache Solr24
Apache Software FoundationApache Solr24
Ingo RennerApache Solr24
N/aApache Solr24
N/aApache Solr Before 7.1 With Apache Lucene Before 7.11
Apache Solr Real-time ProjectApache Solr Real-time1
ApacheApache Spamassassin8
Apache Software FoundationApache Spamassassin8
ApacheApache Spark13
Apache Software FoundationApache Spark13
Apache StatsApache Stats2
Apache Software FoundationApache Storm7
Apache Software FoundationApache Struts22
N/aApache Struts22
Apache Software FoundationApache Submarine Commons Utils1
Apache Software FoundationApache Submarine Server Core2
Apache Software FoundationApache Subversion8
N/aApache Subversion8
Apache Software FoundationApache Superset49
N/aApache Superset49
Apache Software FoundationApache Synapse1
Apache Software FoundationApache Syncope8
N/aApache Syncope8
Apache Software FoundationApache Systemds1
ApacheApache Tapestry9
Apache Software FoundationApache Tapestry9
N/aApache Tapestry9
ApacheApache Thrift6
Apache Software FoundationApache Thrift6
N/aApache Thrift6
ApacheApache Tika19
Apache Software FoundationApache Tika19
N/aApache Tika19
The Apache Software FoundationApache Tika19
ApacheApache Tomcat72
Apache Software FoundationApache Tomcat72
Apache TomcatApache Tomcat72
N/aApache Tomcat72
Apache Software FoundationApache Tomcat Connectors3
Apache Software FoundationApache Tomcat Native3
Apache Software FoundationApache Tomee3
N/aApache Tomee3
Apache Software FoundationApache Traffic Control5
N/aApache Traffic Control5
Apache Software FoundationApache Traffic Server48
N/aApache Traffic Server48
Apache Software FoundationApache Uima2
ApacheApache Uima Ducc2
Apache Software FoundationApache Unomi3
N/aApache Unomi3
Apache Software FoundationApache Velocity Engine1
Apache Software FoundationApache Velocity Tools1
ApacheApache Webserver1
Apache Software FoundationApache Wicket5
N/aApache Wicket5
Apache Software FoundationApache Xalan-j1
Apache Software FoundationApache Xerces1
Apache Software FoundationApache Xerces C++3