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HistoryFeb 21, 2013 - 12:00 a.m.

(RHSA-2013:0511) Moderate: pki-core security, bug fix and enhancement update






Red Hat Certificate System is an enterprise software system designed to
manage enterprise public key infrastructure (PKI) deployments. PKI Core
contains fundamental packages required by Red Hat Certificate System, which
comprise the Certificate Authority (CA) subsystem.

Note: The Certificate Authority component provided by this advisory cannot
be used as a standalone server. It is installed and operates as a part of
Identity Management (the IPA component) in Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

Multiple cross-site scripting flaws were discovered in Certificate System.
An attacker could use these flaws to perform a cross-site scripting (XSS)
attack against victims using Certificate System’s web interface.

This update also fixes the following bugs:

  • Previously, due to incorrect conversion of large integers while
    generating a new serial number, some of the most significant bits in the
    serial number were truncated. Consequently, the serial number generated for
    certificates was sometimes smaller than expected and this incorrect
    conversion in turn led to a collision if a certificate with the smaller
    number already existed in the database. This update removes the incorrect
    integer conversion so that no serial numbers are truncated. As a result,
    the installation wizard proceeds as expected. (BZ#841663)

  • The certificate authority used a different profile for issuing the audit
    certificate than it used for renewing it. The issuing profile was for two
    years, and the renewal was for six months. They should both be for two
    years. This update sets the default and constraint parameters in the
    caSignedLogCert.cfg audit certificate renewal profile to two years.

This update also adds the following enhancements:

  • IPA (Identity, Policy and Audit) now provides an improved way to
    determine that PKI is up and ready to service requests. Checking the
    service status was not sufficient. This update creates a mechanism for
    clients to determine that the PKI subsystem is up using the getStatus()
    function to query the cs.startup_state in CS.cfg. (BZ#858864)

  • This update increases the default root CA validity period from eight
    years to twenty years. (BZ#891985)

All users of pki-core are advised to upgrade to these updated packages,
which fix these issues and add these enhancements.