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HistoryJun 17, 2018 - 1:05 p.m.

Security Bulletin: Cúram is vulnerable to cross site scripting attack (CVE-2014-3013)







Cúram is vulnerable to cross site scripting attack.

Vulnerability Details

CVEID:CVE-2014-3013__ __
Cúram is vulnerable to cross site scripting attack caused by improper validation and sanitization of tags in custom JSPs or custom renderers that add text nodes to content that will be rendered onto the screen. A remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability by injecting a malicious code in the text which is being rendered into a Web page which would be executed in a victim’s Web browser within the security context of the hosting Web site, once the page is viewed. The user’s session can be completely compromised, allowing an attacker to perform any action that the user can perform, monitor the session or steal the data viewed by the user.

CVSS Base Score: 3.5
CVSS Temporal Score: See for the current score
CVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined
CVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:M/Au:S/C:N/I:P/A:N)

Affected Products and Versions

Cúram Social Program Management

All products are affected when running code releases 4.5 SP10, CWC 4.5.1, 5.0, 5.2, 5.2 SP1, 5.2 SP4, 5.2 SP4 DE, 5.2 SP5, 5.2 SP6, 6.0 SP2,,,,,,,,



| VRMF| Remediation/First Fix
Cúram SPM| 4.5 SP10| Visit IBM Fix Central and upgrade to EP2
Cúram CWC| 4.5.1| Visit IBM Fix Central and upgrade to EP2
Cúram SPM| 5.0| Visit IBM Fix Central and upgrade to EP17
Cúram SPM| 5.2| Visit IBM Fix Central and upgrade to EP3
Cúram SPM| 5.2 SP1| Visit IBM Fix Central and upgrade to EP17
Cúram SPM| 5.2 SP4| Visit IBM Fix Central and upgrade to EP24
Cúram SPM| 5.2 SP4 DE| Visit IBM Fix Central and upgrade to EP11
Cúram SPM| 5.2 SP5| Visit IBM Fix Central and upgrade to EP4
Cúram SPM| 5.2 SP6| Visit IBM Fix Central and upgrade to EP5
Cúram SPM| 6.0 SP2| Visit IBM Fix Central and upgrade to EP25
Cúram SPM|| Visit IBM Fix Central and upgrade to iFix 8
Cúram SPM|| Visit IBM Fix Central and upgrade to iFix 13
Cúram SPM|| Visit IBM Fix Central and upgrade to iFix 9
Cúram SPM|| Visit IBM Fix Central and upgrade to iFix 7
Cúram SPM|| Visit IBM Fix Central and upgrade to iFix 5
Cúram SPM|| Visit IBM Fix Central and upgrade to iFix 9
Cúram SPM|| Visit IBM Fix Central and upgrade to iFix 10
Cúram SPM|| Visit IBM Fix Central and upgrade to iFix 3

Workarounds and Mitigations


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Important Note

IBM strongly suggests that all System z customers be subscribed to the System z Security Portal to receive the latest critical System z security and integrity service. If you are not subscribed, see the instructions on the System z Security web site. Security and integrity APARs and associated fixes will be posted to this portal. IBM suggests reviewing the CVSS scores and applying all security or integrity fixes as soon as possible to minimize any potential risk.


Complete CVSS v2 Guide
On-line Calculator v2


Related Information

IBM Secure Engineering Web Portal
IBM Product Security Incident Response Blog

Change History

9 June 2014: Original version published
31 July 2014: Updated fix version for 6.0 SP2 to EP25. EP24 did not deliver all required fixes for this issue.
19 Sept 2014: Added fix version for CWC 4.5.1

*The CVSS Environment Score is customer environment specific and will ultimately impact the Overall CVSS Score. Customers can evaluate the impact of this vulnerability in their environments by accessing the links in the Reference section of this Security Bulletin.


According to the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST), the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is an “industry open standard designed to convey vulnerability severity and help to determine urgency and priority of response.” IBM PROVIDES THE CVSS SCORES ““AS IS”” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. CUSTOMERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF ANY ACTUAL OR POTENTIAL SECURITY VULNERABILITY. In addition to other efforts to address potential vulnerabilities, IBM periodically updates the record of components contained in our product offerings. As part of that effort, if IBM identifies previously unidentified packages in a product/service inventory, we address relevant vulnerabilities regardless of CVE date. Inclusion of an older CVEID does not demonstrate that the referenced product has been used by IBM since that date, nor that IBM was aware of a vulnerability as of that date. We are making clients aware of relevant vulnerabilities as we become aware of them. “Affected Products and Versions” referenced in IBM Security Bulletins are intended to be only products and versions that are supported by IBM and have not passed their end-of-support or warranty date. Thus, failure to reference unsupported or extended-support products and versions in this Security Bulletin does not constitute a determination by IBM that they are unaffected by the vulnerability. Reference to one or more unsupported versions in this Security Bulletin shall not create an obligation for IBM to provide fixes for any unsupported or extended-support products or versions.

[{“Product”:{“code”:“SS8S5A”,“label”:“C\u00faram Social Program Management”},“Business Unit”:{“code”:“BU014”,“label”:“Watson Health”},“Component”:“–”,“Platform”:[{“code”:“PF002”,“label”:“AIX”},{“code”:“PF010”,“label”:“HP-UX”},{“code”:“PF016”,“label”:“Linux”},{“code”:“PF027”,“label”:“Solaris”},{“code”:“PF033”,“label”:“Windows”},{“code”:“PF035”,“label”:“z/OS”}],“Version”:“6.0.5;6.0.4;6.0.3;6.0.2;5.2.6;5.2.5;5.2.4;5.2.1;5.2.0;5.0;4.5”,“Edition”:“”,“Line of Business”:{“code”:“LOB47”,“label”:“Health”}}]

Product Synonym






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