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HistoryMar 07, 2023 - 6:53 p.m.

(RHSA-2023:1151) Critical: Satellite 6.11.5 Async Security Update

red hat satellite
security update
bug fixes
configuration management
database index
content view
container images

0.003 Low




Red Hat Satellite is a system management solution that allows organizations to configure and maintain their systems without the necessity to provide public Internet access to their servers or other client systems. It performs provisioning and configuration management of predefined standard operating environments.

Security fix(es):

tfm-rubygem-activerecord: activerecord: Possible RCE escalation bug with Serialized Columns in Active Record (CVE-2022-32224)

This update fixes the following bugs:

2153877 - The “Documentation” button on Satellite 6.11 for “Provisioning Templates” page is pointing to 404 Page Not Found link
2161929 - Locale change caused by RHEL upgrade results in database index corruption “get() returned more than one Modulemd – it returned 2!”
2166747 - unable to install satellite 6.11 on rhel8.8 - ansible-core version is too new
2166748 - Entitlement certificate is missing content section for a custom product
2166749 - Sync container images of existing docker type repositories fail with 404 - Not found
2166750 - Another deadlock issue when syncing repos with high concurrency
2166756 - Inspecting an image with skopeo no longer works on Capsules
2166757 - Content view filter included errata not in the filter date range
2166759 - Content view filter will include module streams of other repos/arches if the errata contain rpms in different repos/arches.
2166760 - Even in 6.11.1, sync summary email notification shows the incorrect summary for newly added errata.
2166761 - Content view publish fails when the content view and repository both have a large name with : Error message: the server returns an error HTTP status code: 500
2166762 - Insights recommendation sync failing in Satelliite
2170874 - Satellite-clone not working if ansible-core 2.13 is installed

Users of Red Hat Satellite are advised to upgrade to these updated packages, which fix these bugs.