Oxygen 2.0 Remote SQL Injection Vulnerability description documen
Oxygen 2.0 (repquote) Remote SQL Injection Vulnerability
#Oxygen 2.0 SQL Injection Vulnerability
#Bug by: h0yt3r
#This Board Software suffers from a not correctly verified quote ID variable which is used in SQL Querys.
#An Attacker can easily get sensitive information from the database by
#injecting unexpected SQL Querys.
#We need a valid topic ID.
#Im not bored enough to code an exploit for this, so do it manually.
#Its by the way easy to find the correct prefix for the tables by producing a SQL Error.
#When injected your Query you can find the output in the Subject Text Box.
#SQL Injection:
#Greetz to b!zZ!t, ramon, thund3r, Free-Hack, Sys-Flaw and of course the (...) h4ck-y0u Team!
# 0day.today [2018-03-14] #
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