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zdtFelipe Xavier Oliveira1337DAY-ID-28936
HistoryNov 01, 2017 - 12:00 a.m.

Sync Breeze 10.1.16 Buffer Overflow Vulnerability

Felipe Xavier Oliveira

0.005 Low




Sync Breeze version 10.1.16 is vulnerable to a buffer overflow vulnerability, which can be exploited remotely or locally to achieve arbitrary code execution. The flaw is triggered by providing a long input into the “Destination directory” path of the application.

Sync Breeze 10.1.16 Buffer Overflow
  Author: Filipe Xavier Oliveira

  Tempest Security Intelligence - Recife, Pernambuco - Brazil

=====[ Table of Contents ]=====================================================
  * Overview  
  * Detailed description  
  * Aggravating factors      
  * Timeline of disclosure    
  * Thanks & Acknowledgements  
  * References

=====[ Overview ]==============================================================
 * System affected  : Sync Breeze Enterprise [1].
 * Software Version : 10.1.16 (other versions may also be affected).
 * Impact           : A user may be affected by opening a malicious importing command XML file, through a long destination  directory path or remotely using the passive mode.

=====[ Detailed description ]==================================================

Sync Breeze version 10.1.16 is vulnerable to buffer overflow, which can be exploited remotely or locally to achieve arbitrary code execution. The flaw is triggered by providing a long input into the "Destination directory" path of the application.

The following information regards the state of the CPU and stack at the moment of the crash:

(cb8.930): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance)
First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling.
This exception may be expected and handled.
eax=00000001 ebx=0010f118 ecx=00000000 edx=0010a1f4 esi=02091c98 edi=0314db50
eip=41414141 esp=0010b20c ebp=0010b264 iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz na po nc
cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=003b  gs=0000             efl=00010202
41414141 ??              ???

0010b208 41414141 41414141 41414141 41414141 0x41414141
0010b264 0039bc37 0314db50 02132170 0110b884 0x41414141
0010b88c 6517add6 5d56f800 030f81c8 030f8488 libsbg!SCA_SyncHistoryDlg::qt_metacall+0x6f87
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 QtGui4!QButtonGroup::checkedId+0x6e9

=====[ Aggravating factors ]===================================================

It's possible to trigger the buffer overflow remotely if the user activates the passive mode. In this case an remote attacker can set a destination directory and exploit the vulnerability.

=====[ Timeline of disclosure  ]===============================================

10/07/2017 - Vulnerability reported. Vendor did not respond.
10/17/2017 - Tried to contact vendor again, without success.
10/28/2017 - CVE assigned [1]
10/30/2017 - Advisory publication date.

=====[ Thanks & Acknowledgements ]============================================
   - Breno Cunha        < brenodario () >
  - Henrique Arcoverde < henrique.arcoverde ()
  - Tempest Security Intelligence / Tempest's Pentest Team [3]
=====[ References ]===========================================================




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# [2018-01-04]  #

0.005 Low


