Exploit for php platform in category web applications
Havij Persistent <=v1.10 XSS Vulnerability
# Exploit Title: Havij Persistent XSS (<=v1.10)
# Date: 15/6/2010
# Author: hexon
# Version: 1.10 and below
# Tested on: Windows XP Service Pack 2 Professional, Windows 7
# Code : htttp://site.com/file.php?param=[XSS Code]
Havij Persistent XSS (<=v1.10)
By : Hkhexon ([email protected])
Havij does not do any filtration in Target bar so XSS codes can be executed.
However , you need to find a site that is vulnerable to XSS and SQL
The site cannot be vulnerable to just XSS only as Havij will stop working
as it cannot inject it.
Functions Affected:
-Save in Info
-Save Tables in Tables
-Save Data in Tables
Eventhough I said you need to find a site that is vulnerable to XSS and SQL
There is also an exception to this.Instead,you can find a site vulnerable to
SQL Injection and use SiXSS to generate your desired XSS code.
You can also put the XSS code after the Vulnerable Parameter.
Of course, before that you would need to find the column count and string
and replace the String column with the XSS code.
For your acknowledge , String column is the column number where the data
output at the site.
Example (Type it in Target and click Analyse):
SiXSS Method
http://localhost/sqli.php?sqli=-1337 union select
or you can also remove the quotes in the XSS code, it doesn't matter.
(Assume that Column count = 3 and String column = 2)
Or the simpler one without using SiXSS:
If magic_quotes or addslashes is on, it would make no difference as only the
are filtered and the code will still execute unless your XSS code has quotes
in it.
NOTE : You cannot use encoding like char() or hex as the html file generated
will not parse it into plain text and execute the code.
After that , you can do either the following:
-Click Save in Info and save the html file.
-Click Save Tables in Tables and save the html file.
-Extract some data by using Get Tables,then Get Columns,then Get Data,and
save the html file by using Save Data.
After html file has been generated, open it and your XSS code will execute.
This may look undangerous since the file is made inside your computer,
but almost all XSS techniques requires the attacker to trick users to go to
particular file of the site though. So, anything can happen , its just that
you need to be creative.
I had already notified the Author of Havij(r3dm0v3).
The reason why I do not have patch for this is that I do not have the
source of Havij so I'll let r3dm0v3 to do it himself.
# 0day.today [2018-04-08] #