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PPVChat Mulitiple Vulnerabilities

🗓️ 09 Jan 2010 00:00:00Reported by andresg888Type 

PPVChat Multiple Vulnerabilities, LFI & XS

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PPVChat Mulitiple Vulnerabilities

# Exploit Title : Exotic-Cams --LFI & XSS--
# Date : 2010-01-09
# Author : andresg888
# Dork : No DoRk f0R ScRipT KiDDieS
# Example LFI: http://server/registration/model.php
# Example XSS: Go to registration/user.php and in "City" put %00"'>
# Submit the form and see response.
# Malicious users may upload shell's in order to gather control from the site.
# Malicious users may inject JavaScript, VBScript, ActiveX, HTML or Flash into a vulnerable
# application to fool a user in order to gather data from them. An attacker can steal the
# session cookie and take over the account.
#Solution for lfi: Check if the script inputs are properly validated.
#Solution for xss: $_GET = preg_replace("|([^\w\s\'])|i",'',$_GET);
#                            $_POST = preg_replace("|([^\w\s\'])|i",'',$_POST);
# Greetz : _84kur10_ , Brunos_50, mmrg5486, LU73K, Joshu4X, 3l_d105_4r35
# Special Greetz : all members from montevideolibre

# [2018-01-01]  #

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09 Jan 2010 00:00Current
7.1High risk
Vulners AI Score7.1