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zdiAndrea Micalizzi aka rgodZDI-12-140
HistoryAug 17, 2012 - 12:00 a.m.

McAfee SmartFilter Administration Server SFAdminSrv.exe JBoss RMI Remote Code Execution Vulnerabilty

Andrea Micalizzi aka rgod

This vulnerability allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code on vulnerable installations of McAfee SmartFilter Administration Server. Authentication is not required to exploit this vulnerability. The flaw exists within the Remote Method Invocation (RMI) component which is exposed by SFAdminSrv.exe process. This process exposes various RMI services to TCP ports 4444 (JBoss RMI HTTPInvoker), 1098 (rmiactivation), 1099 (rmiregistry). Requests to these services are not authenticated and can be used to instantiate arbitrary classes or to upload and execute arbitrary archives. A remote attacker can exploit this vulnerability to execute arbitrary code under the context of the SYSTEM user.