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wordfenceBrad OsborneWORDFENCE:F6176A658A035A9373C602587C8E657D
HistoryDec 07, 2023 - 8:21 p.m.

Vulnerability Researchers: Check out The Critical Thinking Podcast

Brad Osborne
bug bounty program
critical thinking podcast
justin gardner
joel margolis
google security engineer
sam erb
defcon black badge
discord community
ethical hacking
security analysis
technical content
bug bounty tips
write-up explanations
hacking techniques
hacker community
live hacking events
appsec engineer
web security

7.2 High

AI Score



Today, The Wordfence Bug Bounty Program was featured on an episode of the Critical Thinking Podcast, a top resource and community for bug bounty researchers. Critical Thinking is a podcast focused on ethical hacking and security analysis and is described as a β€œby Hackers for Hackers podcast focused on technical content ranging from bug bounty tips, to write-up explanations, to the latest hacking techniques.”

Partnering with enablers in the security research community, like Critical Thinking, is one way that we are furthering our goal at Wordfence/Defiant of securing the Web.

You can find the latest episode here, which features Sam Erb, a Google Security Engineer and winner of the DEFCON Black Badge, and is worth a watch…

Critical Thinking also has a growing Discord community of hackers and security enthusiasts who spend their days sharing insight, encouragement, and hard-won knowledge and wisdom as they work together to make the web a safer place. And their community members seem to be having a great time doing it.

Who Are The Hosts of The Critical Thinking Podcast?

Critical Thinking Podcast Hosts

Host Justin Gardner is a full-time bug bounty hunter and top-ranked live hacking event competitor, who has claimed 2 separate Most Valuable Hacker awards, as well as other trophies and accolades for his skills.

Co-host Joel Margolis is also a top bug bounty hunter and has participated and received awards in 30+ live hacking events, in addition to a career as an appsec engineer for some well known tech companies.

Here's another link to watch that episode (or listen) on your favorite platforms.

The post Vulnerability Researchers: Check out The Critical Thinking Podcast appeared first on Wordfence.

7.2 High

AI Score

