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HistoryJan 19, 2019 - 4:17 a.m.

Wallarm to Sponsor AppSec Cali


If you are a SecOps or DevOps professional on the west coast you can not miss the premier California application security event: AppSec California, January 22–25th in Santa Monica.

Here are testimonials from the previous AppSec Cali events:

> “I’m looking forward to AppSecCali next week. Last year was awesome. This year looks even better!” — @jeremiahg

> “I think AppSecCali was one of the best conferences I have been to. Talks were good. Venue was awesome and atmosphere was really chilled out #thanks” — @abhaybhargav

> “On the way out to SoCal for AppSecCali, one of my favorite conferences every year. Looking at the lineup of talks I trust this one won’t disappoint! #AppSecCali #owasp #CyberSecurity” — @HolyCyberBatman

> “If you believe that learning security is not cool, #AppSecCali will change your mind.” — @ericbaize

Among well-known speakers in the Application Security and OWASP community, such as Adam Shostack, Kevin Gosschalk, Christina Kubecka, Caleb Queern, and Jason Haddix, Wallarm co-founder, Stepan Ilyn will be giving Lightning Talk: Building Cloud-Native Security for Apps and APIs with NGINX

Also, listen to the latest Advancing Security podcast episode where Stepan shares some of his insights into cloud security:

When at the event, make sure to stop by Wallarm table to learn about the Wallarm products, play corn bags and take part in the raffle.

Wallarm’s Plant a Tree Donation Program

Wallarm is dedicated to securing a brighter future for all Californians. And we’d like to include you in our initiatives!

The Plant a Tree program works to restore the 3+ million acres lost during the 2017–2018 California wildfires. By joining the program you become an integral part of strengthening the Californian ecosystem.

Register to help restore greener California and visit us while at AppSec Cali.

Wallarm to Sponsor AppSec Cali was originally published in Wallarm on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.