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veeamVeeam softwareVEEAM:KB2211
HistoryDec 28, 2016 - 12:00 a.m.

My Account Portal - Role Management FAQ

Veeam software

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Case Opening Restrictions

Only users with the roles of License Administrator or Case Administrator are authorized to submit support cases. Please confirm the identity of the License Administrator associated with your company’s support licenses and collaborate with them to designate Case Administrators. This ensures that individuals who require the ability to contact Veeam Support for technical assistance are empowered to do so.

Case Administrator must be assigned by License Administrator

Veeam Support is unable to modify or assign the Case Administrator role.

The Case Administrator role can only be assigned by the License Administrator associated with the given Support ID.

Below are the most commonly asked questions.

What is a Case Administrator?

A Case Administrator is a role designated to an individual by a License Administrator, authorizing that individual to create and manage cases on behalf of a company. These individuals can be company employees, resellers, or third-party contractors whom the company has granted the authority to create and manage support tickets associated with the company’s support license.

It’s important to note that while Case Administrators are able to manage support tickets, they do not have the ability to manage or alter the actual support licenses themselves. This responsibility rests solely with the License Administrator, a separate role with the authority to manage the licenses and assign the Case Administrator role as needed.

What can a Case Administrator do?

  • Case Administrators can open, update, and close support cases for the licenses they are assigned to.
  • Case Administrators can also manage cases created by the License Administrator and other Case Administrators.
  • Case Administrators belonging to the same company can view other licenses but cannot manage them.
  • Case Administrators cannot view and manage other Case Administrators.

How do I assign a Case Administrator?

You must be logged in as the License Administrator to manage Case Administrators for your company’s support contracts. Once logged in to the Veeam My Account Portal as the License Administrator, you can access the “Case administrators” section.

**Note:**The Case administrators section will only be visible when logged in as the License Administrator.

Case Administrator Creation

  1. Open the Case administrators page.
  2. Click the CREATE CASE ADMINISTRATOR button.

Add Case Admin

  1. Specify the Business email of the person you wish to add as a Case Administrator.
    * The Name and Company will be prefilled if the email provided is associated with an existing portal account.
    * If there is no portal account related to the provided email, you must provide a name and company name.
    **Note:**The Case Administrator role cannot be assigned to the email of the License Administrator, as documented in KB4411, attempting to do so will result in the error “Unfortunately this action can’t be completed because of data mismatch.”
  2. After verifying the information, click Next.

Enter Case Admin Email

  1. Select the Support contracts which will be assigned to the new Case Administrator.

  2. Click Save to complete the case administrator creation.

Assign Contract

Admin Creation Complete

Case Administrator creation completed page.

If the email address you are attempting to create a Case Administrator role for is not registered with, you will be asked to specify their name and company.


Additional information may be requested if the new Case Administrator’s company is not yet registered on


How do I become a Case Administrator?

Only the License Administrator of a Support License (ID) can assign the Case Administrator role. Contact the License Administrator directly and request that they designate you as a Case Administrator.

Review the How to Determine License Administrator section below for assistance in determining who the License Administrator is.

What is the maximum number of Case Administrators I can assign?

There is a limit of 80 Case Administrators per Support ID.

How do I remove a Case Administrator?

There are two options:

  • Unassign the Case Administrator from a specific Support Contract
  • Remove the Case Administrator entirely

To unassign a Case Administrator from a specific Support ID:

  1. Go to the Case administrators page.
  2. In the “License view,” click the X next to the Case Administrator’s entry under the specific Support ID#.


To remove a Case Administrator entirely, switch to the Case Administrator View and click the Delete administrator.
Note: This option is unavailable if the user is the License Administrator.


How to Determine License Administrator

To view the Production Licenses and identify what email is assigned as the License Administrator, please click here: <;

It is also possible to see the License Administrator information in the License Information panel inside Veeam Backup & Replication.


How to Change License Administrator

If you have lost access to the License Administrator account or want to change who is assigned as the License Administrator, please create a licensing case.

When requesting a License Administrator change, please include the email of the new License Administrator.

Note: If you are not a Case Administrator for the Support ID whose License Administrator you are attempting to change, leave the Support ID field blank.


Feature / Function Case Administrator License Administrator
Role Management
Assign Case Administrator Role
Case Management
View Cases
Create Cases
Product License Management
View Product Licenses
Download Product Licenses
Merge Product Licenses


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