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veeamVeeam softwareVEEAM:KB1113
HistoryJul 28, 2011 - 12:00 a.m.

How to reset VMware Virtual Machine CBT

Veeam software

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This document provides details for resetting the CBT of a VMware VM.

The Veeam Backup & Replication may display the following message:

CBT data is invalid, failing over to legacy incremental backup. No action is required, next job run should start using CBT again. If CBT data remains invalid, follow KB1113 to perform CBT reset. Usual cause is power loss.

The following entries can be seen in the job log:

output: Soap fault.ย Error caused by fileย /vmfs/volumes/4b953b81-76b37f94-efef-0010185f132e/name/name.vmdkDetail: '', endpoint: ''\n
output: --tr:Failed to enumerate changed areas of the disk using CTK. Device key: [2000], size: [26843545600]. VM ref: [vm-xx]. Change ID: [*]\n

Typically, a single job session with CBT warnings does not indicate a malfunction. VMware CBT will be automatically reset due to certain operations, such as Storage vMotion. Note that the presence of snapshots may prevent successful reset of CBT.

Under certain circumstances, CBT cannot be used please see: <;


More Information

Note: Resetting CBT is procedure which occurs within the VMware environment. If you require assistance with this procedure, please contact VMware Support.

When resetting CBT on a virtual machine, the next time the Backup or Replication job runs, the entirety of the disks on the Virtual Machine is read. It will not however create a new full (*.VBK) as blocks are compared to create a normal sized incremental.

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