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HistoryJun 23, 2017 - 1:00 p.m.

This Week in Security News

Jon Clay

Welcome to our weekly roundup, where we share what you need to know about the cybersecurity news and events that happened over the past few days.

Below you’ll find a quick recap of topics followed by links to news articles and/or our blog posts providing additional insight. Be sure to check back each Friday for highlights of the goings-on each week!

Erebus Resurfaces as Linux Ransomware

On June 10, South Korean web hosting company NAYANA was hit by Erebus ransomware (detected by Trend Micro as RANSOM_ELFEREBUS.A), infecting 153 Linux servers and over 3,400 business websites the company hosts._ _

AdGholas Malvertising Campaign Employs Astrum Exploit Kit

At the end of April this year, we found Astrum exploit kit employing Diffie-Hellman key exchange to prevent monitoring tools and researchers from replaying their traffic. As AdGholas started to push the exploit, we saw another evolution: Astrum using HTTPS to further obscure their malicious traffic.

The World’s Leading Bug Bounty Program Shares Inside Scoop

Customers of the TippingPoint Intrusion Prevention System__s_ and Threat Protection Systems know the ZDI as the group that buys 0-days so they have protections before the affected vendor releases a patch. Outside of those communities, there may be misconceptions about what happens behind the scenes.__ _

Cyber Attack at Honda Stops Production after WannaCry Worm Strikes

The WannaCry worm is still alive. Honda said this week that it was forced to halt production for one day at its Sayama plant near Tokyo after finding the WannaCry ransomware in its computer network. This virus is the same one that infected over one million machines worldwide_.__ _

Follow the Trail of BlackTech’s Cyber Espionage Campaigns

BlackTech is a cyber espionage group operating against targets in East Asia, particularly Taiwan, and occasionally, Japan and Hong Kong. Based on the mutexes and domain names of some of their C&C servers, BlackTech’s campaigns are likely designed to steal their target’s technology._ _

Servers Are Different When it comes to Ransomware and Advanced Attacks

Ransomware_ and other advanced attacks are the scourge of the modern IT security team. If allowed to gain access to your IT environment, these attacks could shut down the organization, denying access to mission critical applications & data for potentially days, or even indefinitely.__ _

Meet 5 of the World’s Most Dangerous Hacker Groups

Hacking has come a long way from the days of maladjusted teenagers wreaking digital havoc from their basements. Today the biggest and baddest hacker groups are backed by nation-states. They’re called “advanced persistent threats” or APTs._ _

Bring Data Center Security to Cloud Speed

_Trend Micro knew releasing Deep Security 10.0 was a milestone in many ways. The server security solution that stands the test of time was also the end of the traditional monolithic release cycle for our important software users. _

Traffic Cameras in Victoria Have Been Infected by WannaCry Ransomware

Approximately 55 traffic cameras in Victoria have been infected with the WannaCry ransomware, according to the Victorian department of justice. Intersection and highway cameras across the state have been affected by the malware, which caused chaos around the world.

Cybersecurity Job Market to Suffer Severe Workforce Shortage

The global cybercrime epidemic - predicted to cost the world $6 trillion annually by 2021 - is creating an unprecedented shortage of cybersecurity workers. These 10 facts, figures, statistics, and observations sum up the employment crisis - and offer a few ideas and programs that may help solve the problem._ _

Girl Scouts Will Soon Earn Badges in Cybersecurity

Girl Scouts as young as 5 are to be offered the chance to earn their first-ever cyber security badges. U.S. Girl Scouts who master the required skills can attach to their unifo__rm’s sash the first of 18 cyber__security badges that will be rolled out in September 2018.

Please add your thoughts in the comments below or follow me on Twitter; @JonLClay.