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threatpostBrian PrinceTHREATPOST:3592B1CBA445FB7F80E40A4041AF4113
HistoryDec 25, 2011 - 9:50 p.m.

Anonymous Hacks Security Think Tank STRATFOR

Brian Prince

Hackers with Anonymous have struck a well-known security and intelligence think tank based in Texas and made off with some 200 GB of credit card data and other information.

Members of the loosely-affiliated collective announced the attack on STRATFOR on Twitter. Among the items reportedly pilfered is STRATFOR’s closely-guarded client list, which includes organizations such as the U.S. Army. The credit card details were stored in clear text, members of the group claimed.

In an email to STRATFOR members viewed by Threatpost, STRATFOR CEO George Friedman acknowledged the company’s Website had been attacked and said that STRATFOR’s servers and email had been suspended as a result.

“We have reason to believe that the names of our corporate subscribers have been [posted] on other web sites,” Friedman states. “We are diligently investigating the extent to which subscriber information may have been obtained.”

“Stratfor and I take this incident very seriously,” he continued. “Stratfor’s relationship with its members and, in particular, the confidentiality of their subscriber information, are very important to Stratfor and me. We are working closely with law enforcement in their investigation and will assist them with the identification of the individual(s) who are responsible.”

As of publication, the Website for STRATFOR displayed a message stating the site was undergoing maintenance.