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threatpostPaul RobertsTHREATPOST:2F6935A22D80D10358C18BF8A6D723E8
HistoryJul 02, 2012 - 6:41 p.m.

Report: TeamP0ison Hacker "TriCk" Pleads Guilty For Hacking Tony Blair's E-mail

Paul Roberts

TeamP0ison hacker and newly minted 18 year-old Junaid Hussain of Birmingham, England – a.k.a “TriCk” pleaded guilty last week to hacking charges for a string of attacks on some of the U.K.’s leading political figures, including former Prime Minister Tony Blair, according to a published report in The Sun.

TeamP0ison hacker and newly minted 18 year-old Junaid Hussain of Birmingham, England – a.k.a “TriCk” pleaded guilty to hacking charges for a string of attacks on some of the U.K.’s leading political figures, including former Prime Minister Tony Blair.

Hussain was arrested in April on suspicion that he was behind a denial of service attack against an anti-terrorism hotline operated by intelligence group MI6 in the UK. The then 17 year-old, known online by the handle “TriCk” was alleged to have used an automated system to flood the hot line with calls in which a computerized voice said TeamPoison,” overwhelming phone operators. He and another 16 year old UK teen were charged with one count of causing a public nuisance and one count of violating the UK’s 1990 Computer Misuse Act.

That arrest followed a string of incidents attributed to TriCk and Teamp0ison, including a January, 2012 attack on Web servers used by telecommunications firm T-Mobile, a November, 2011 attack on systems belonging to the UN’s Development Programme (UNDP) and the attack that spilled information on Blair, his wife, Cherie, and political contacts in June, 2011.

According to the Sun, Hussain admitted to conspiracy and computer charges at London’s Southwark Crown Court last week. His defense attorney argued that the attacks were merely pranks, but Judge Peter Testar made clear that the 18 year-old could face jail time for the offenses at a sentencing hearing next month.

Teamp0ison’shacks gained the group notoriety as a successor to the better known “Anonymous” and “LulzSec.” However arrests – including that of Hussain and Teamp0ison members Phantom and “MLT” in May, according to published reports. The group is alleged to have carried out upwards of 1,400 attacks in all.