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thnThe Hacker NewsTHN:F22AFF5B6E3693DCCF231053B87DB3C7
HistoryMar 01, 2011 - 1:57 p.m.

Beware : Php Shell By Trick (TeaMp0isoN) was a Back-doored Shell !

The Hacker News

Beware : Php Shell By Trick (TeaMp0isoN)was a Back-doored Shell !
Today we got an email from Pak Cyber Army as shown above…,They Provide us a report also in attachment regarding the
TeaMp0isoN Shell - Private Build [BETA] - v0.1 ,Few days backTrick
have submit us a own made private shell to publish. But TodayPCAemail us and show that proofs that this shell is modified form ofFX29 Shell(FaTaLisTiCz_Fx Fx29Sh , They also said thatTrick Include a Backdoor in this shell,So Beware to use this shell > Please Don’t Use that shell, Other wise your ftp may be hacked.

Here is Trick’s Shell : Click Here Here is FaTaLisTiCz_Fx Fx29Sh Shell : Click Here **
** Fx29 shell Pic :

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Trick’s Shell pic :

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Encoded Code, that has been decoded in above pics

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Code Comparison of Both Shells

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News Source : Pakistan Cyber Army