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thnThe Hacker NewsTHN:D4709248EEAC852B1B44E58BE225C9CA
HistoryMar 19, 2011 - 8:03 a.m.

Website collecting donations for Japan hacked !

The Hacker News

Hackers took down the website of a Tennessee nonprofit that was collecting donations for Japan and replaced the home page with profanity.

The Hacker News

Japan-America Society of Tennessee executive director Leigh Weiland said hackers broke into the site sometime Wednesday night.

The group’s web-hosting company was able to get the site back up Thursday morning.

Before that, anyone trying to go to the group’s home page encountered a mostly blank screen with an offensive phrase at the top.

Weiland said her group, which promotes goodwill for and understanding of Japan, has established a relief fund for Japanese victims of Friday’s earthquake and tsunami. The site has been getting a lot of traffic from people who want to donate money.