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HistoryNov 13, 2013 - 6:14 p.m. Bitcoin Exchange hacked; Money from 4000 Bitcoin wallets Stolen

The Hacker News

The Hacker News

Another Bitcoin Exchange hacked! Bitcash. CZ based out of the Czech Republic has been hacked and Money from 4000 Bitcoin wallets have been Stolen, value of over 2 million Czech Koruna i.e. Approx $100,000.

_ is currently down with a maintenance message that on the evening of November 11, their server was compromised by unknown Hackers and bitcoins from its clients were stolen.

Hackers appear to have sent emails from _email accounts pretending to be members of staff. The emails claim the company had to use a US recovery company to get back the bitcoins that have been stolen and recipients are then apparently asked to send 2 BTC to a wallet address in order for their bitcoins to be returned.

We are trying to resolve the situation, but we want to warn our users about fraudulent emails and scams [claiming to be from Bitcash]” site said on their Facebook page.

Meanwhile, GBL, the Chinese Bitcoin exchange mysteriously disappeared, taking more than $4 million of the virtual currency with it and leaving profit-hungry investors out of pocket.

Last week, Australian Bitcoin website_ inputs.io_ was hacked and around 4100 BTC valued at over $1 million stolen from a user’s virtual wallet.

In May 2012, Bitcoinica, a Bitcoin exchange started by a 17-year old teenager was also hacked and more than 18,000 BTC worth $90,000 or 68,000 EUR were stolen.

_Seems phishy to me… What do you think, is it the FBI or __some state sponsored hackers, who _is collecting BITCOINS by all dirty ways in order to regulate it?

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