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thnThe Hacker NewsTHN:27DC7205B4ADC0F111B2D57F3B280A52
HistoryOct 04, 2011 - 5:26 p.m.

Derbycon 2011 Videos talks

The Hacker News

Derbycon 2011 Videos Talks

The Hacker News

The idea behind DerbyCon was developed by Dave Kennedy (ReL1K), Martin Bos (PureHate), and Adrian Crenshaw (Irongeek). Their motivation stemmed from a desire to see more of the old-style talks and events of the conventions of the past. DerbyCon was hosted by some specialized two-day training courses from 30th Sep-2nd Oct 2011 in Louisville, Kentucky.

DerbyCon isn’t just another security conference. They have taken the best elements from all of the conferences. DerbyCon is a place you can call home, where you can meet each other, party, and learn. Their goal is to create a fun environment where the security community can come together to share ideas and concepts. Whether you know Linux, how to program, are established in security, or a hobbyist, the ideal of DerbyCon is to promote learning and strengthen the community.
Day 1