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talosblogKri DontjeTALOSBLOG:1560B29A269CC4D323A603F6B4008F62
HistoryJan 19, 2023 - 8:01 p.m.

Vulnerability Spotlight: XSS vulnerability in Ghost CMS

Kri Dontje
xss vulnerability
ghost cms
privilege escalation
cisco talos
vulnerability disclosure
security issues
snort rules

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Vulnerability Spotlight: XSS vulnerability in Ghost CMS

Dave McDaniel of Cisco Talos discovered this vulnerability.

Cisco Talos recently discovered a cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Ghost CMS.

Ghost is a content management system with tools to build a website, publish content and send newsletters. Ghost offers paid subscriptions to members and supports a number of integrations with external services.

The TALOS-2022-1686 (CVE-2022-47194-CVE-2022-47197) shows that several XSS vulnerabilities could lead to privilege escalation.

Ghost CMS separates users into four groups (five, if including the site owner) of increasing privilege: Contributor, Author, Editor and Administrator. Contributor users have the least privilege and are allowed to create but not publish posts. All users have the ability to include social media links, as well as a few other pieces of information that will be included on their posts and author pages. A stored XSS vulnerability exists in a number of these fields, and it can be leveraged from basic user attacks to full privilege escalation. As with any XSS, it does require a target user with the correct access level to access affected resources while logged in to trigger the injected Javascript. The vulnerabilities listed here can be triggered when a higher-level user simply previews or visits any post by the malicious user, as these social links seem to be included in all of a user's posts. We have confirmed that a full privilege escalation to administrator can be achieved with the correct Javascript payload.

Separating the admin domain as documented at will prevent this type of vulnerability from being exploited to perform privileged API calls, such as modifying a user group, adding users, etc. However, in default installations, these vulnerabilities can be used for privilege escalation via XSS. Essentially this means that, in default installations of Ghost CMS, users that can author pages and administrator users have the same privileges.

Cisco Talos believes these are potential security issues due to the fact that it is trivial to escalate privileges in default installations. Talos notified Ghost in adherence to Cisco's vulnerability disclosure policy.

Talos tested and confirmed this version of Ghost could be exploited by this vulnerability: Ghost Foundation Ghost 5.9.4.

The following Snort rules will detect exploitation attempts against this vulnerability: 60764-60765. Additional rules may be released in the future and current rules are subject to change, pending additional vulnerability information. For the most current rule information, please refer to your Firepower Management Center or

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