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talosTalos IntelligenceTALOS-2020-1118
HistoryJul 31, 2020 - 12:00 a.m.

Microsoft Azure Sphere AF_AZSPIO socket memory corruption vulnerability

Talos Intelligence

7.2 High


Attack Vector


Attack Complexity




Confidentiality Impact


Integrity Impact


Availability Impact



8.1 High


Attack Vector


Attack Complexity


Privileges Required


User Interaction




Confidentiality Impact


Integrity Impact


Availability Impact



0.002 Low





A memory corruption vulnerability exists in the AF_AZSPIO socket functionality of Microsoft Azure Sphere 20.05. A sequence of socket operations can cause a double-free and out-of-bounds read in the kernel. An attacker can write a shellcode to trigger this vulnerability.

Tested Versions

Microsoft Azure Sphere 20.05

Product URLs


CVSSv3 Score

8.1 - CVSS:3.0/AV:L/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:C/C:H/I:H/A:H


CWE-415 - Double Free


Microsoft’s Azure Sphere is a platform for the development of internet-of-things applications. It features a custom SoC that consists of a set of cores that run both high-level and real-time applications, enforces security and manages encryption (among other functions). The high-level applications execute on a custom Linux-based OS, with several modifications to make it smaller and more secure, specifically for IoT applications.

The Azure Sphere has a procedure that utilizes special AF_AZSPIO sockets to communicate between high-level and real-time applications: <;.
As mentioned, in order to allow this connection to occur in the kernel, one must edit their high-level application’s manifest to include: "AllowedApplicationConnections": [ "005180BC-402F-4CB3-A662-72937DBCDE47" ], where by the value is the component_id of the high-level app.

But regardless of if this entry is in the application manifest or not, a high-level app can still utilize an AF_AZSPIO socket via the normal linux socket api:

#define AF_AZSPIO 43

int azspio_sock = socket(AF_AZSPIO, 0x80002, 0x0);

Just like any other socket, the creation is pretty simple, it’s more the binding and sending addresses that’s atypical:


struct sockaddr_azspio {
    uint16_t sa_family;           // AF_AZSPIO
    uint16_t sa_port;             // Must be zero.
    uint8_t  sa_component_id[16]; // Must match component_id of app. 

The notes above in the comments must be followed in order for any bind, send, recvmsg, sendmsg, to work, and this can be done with the below code:

struct sockaddr_azspio sockaddr;
sockaddr.sa_family = AF_AZSPIO;
sockaddr.sa_port = 0x0;

// make sa_component_id match app's component id.

There’s also a little complication on converting a component_id from string form ("ComponentId": "b0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000") to the matching binary form, the first three groups of the component_id are in little endian, whereas the last two are big endian. To illustrate, if I have a uint8_t[16] component_id, each index in that char array would correspond to the string as such:

03 02 01 00 - 05 04 - 07 06 - 08 09 - 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 

Thus, in order to get a component_id of b0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, one must do the following:

sockaddr.sa_component_id[3] = 0xb0;  

And likewise, then doing memcpy(&sockaddr.sa_component_id[6],"\xde\xad\xbe\xef",4); would result in a component id of b0000000-0000-adde-beef-000000000000.
Moving on, this component_id acts essentially as the IP address of the socket (with regards to other apps), and now that we have a valid sa_component_id, we can bind our socket:

ret = bind(azspio_sock, &sockaddr, sizeof(sockaddr));

This bind results in a few different things, but most importantly we hit the following code:

// kernel/net/azspio/azspio.c
static int __azspio_bind(struct socket *sock,
             const struct sockaddr_azspio *addr, int zapped) {


    if (!azspio_id_matches(component_id, &current_component_id)) {
        return -EACCES;

    /* rebinding ok */
    if (!zapped && !azspio_id_matches(component_id, ipc-&gt;us.sa_component_id)) { // [1]
        return 0;

    rc = azspio_socket_assign(ipc);                                             // [2]
    if (rc)
        return rc;

    /* unbind previous, if any */
    if (!zapped) // [3]


    if (!rc) {
        sock_reset_flag(sk, SOCK_ZAPPED);                                       //[4]

    return rc;

At [1], the azspio_socket_assign function adds ipc-&gt;item into a static linked list (&azspio_all_sockets) via the kernel’s list api (list_add):

/* Add socket to global socket list. */
static int azspio_socket_assign(struct azspio_sock *ipc)
    list_add(&ipc-&gt;item, &azspio_all_sockets);
    return 0;

Continuing on in __azspio_bind:

    rc = azspio_socket_assign(ipc);       // [1]
    if (rc)
        return rc;

    /* unbind previous, if any */
    if (!zapped)                          // [2]


    if (!rc) {
        sock_reset_flag(sk, SOCK_ZAPPED); //[3]

    return rc;

At [2], we see that if the SOCK_ZAPPED flag is not set for our socket, the socket immediately gets removed, however since this is a socket that has not been bound before, this is not the case. The only place that an AF_AZSPIO socket can have its SOCK_ZAPPED flag unset is at [3], after it has successfully bound to a socket.
Now, something interesting to note about __azspio_bind further up:

static int __azspio_bind(struct socket *sock,
             const struct sockaddr_azspio *addr, int zapped)
    struct azspio_sock *ipc = azspio_sk(sock-&gt;sk);
    const u8 *component_id = addr-&gt;sa_component_id;
    struct azure_sphere_guid current_component_id;
    struct sock *sk = sock-&gt;sk;
    int rc;

    if (!azure_sphere_get_component_id(&current_component_id, current)){          // [1]
        return -EINVAL;

    if (!azspio_id_matches(component_id, &current_component_id)) {                // [2]
        return -EACCES;

    /* rebinding ok */ 
    if (!zapped && !azspio_id_matches(component_id, ipc-&gt;us.sa_component_id)) {   // [3]
        return 0;

    rc = azspio_socket_assign(ipc);                                               // [4]

    if (!zapped)                                                                  // [5]

At [1], [2], and [3], we can see the process of verifying the component_id in a couple ways, the most interesting being [3], since if zapped is false (i.e. we have already bound the socket), as long as the component_id we are binding with matches our application’s component_id, we continue on. Thus at [4], we can actually add the same socket into the list twice, and since zapped is set, we also immediately remove it from this list. Let us now look at such a scenario in memory, first with the declarations and structures in the kernel:

struct list_head {
    struct list_head *next, *prev;

#define LIST_HEAD_INIT(name) { &(name), &(name) }

#define LIST_HEAD(name) \
    struct list_head name = LIST_HEAD_INIT(name)

Thus, static LIST_HEAD(azspio_all_sockets); results in:

[^~^]&gt; x/2wx &azspio_all_sockets
0xc0620458 &lt;azspio_all_sockets&gt;:        0xc0620458      0xc0620458

Moving on, after the first azspio_socket_assign:

Run till exit from #0  azspio_socket_assign (ipc=&lt;optimized out&gt;) at net/azspio/azspio.c:515
__azspio_bind (sock=&lt;optimized out&gt;, addr=&lt;optimized out&gt;, zapped=1) at net/azspio/azspio.c:562
562     in net/azspio/azspio.c

[o.o]&gt; x/2wx &azspio_all_sockets
0xc0620458 &lt;azspio_all_sockets&gt;:        0xc18d11d8      0xc18d11d8  // [1]

[&gt;_&gt;]&gt; x/2wx 0xc18d11d8
0xc18d11d8:     0xc0620458      0xc0620458                          // [2]

We can see both the head [1] and our new socket [2] having prev and next point to the other as normal. The interesting part happens on the second add:

Run till exit from #0  azspio_socket_assign (ipc=&lt;optimized out&gt;) at net/azspio/azspio.c:515
__azspio_bind (sock=&lt;optimized out&gt;, addr=&lt;optimized out&gt;, zapped=0) at net/azspio/azspio.c:562
562     in net/azspio/azspio.c

[~.~]&gt; x/2wx &azspio_all_sockets
0xc0620458 &lt;azspio_all_sockets&gt;:        0xc18d11d8      0xc18d11d8  // [1]

[o.O]&gt; x/2wx 0xc18d11d8
0xc18d11d8:     0xc18d11d8      0xc0620458                          // [2]

Our initial list head has not changed, however sock-&gt;item-&gt;next now points to itself [2]. When the first list_del happens, immediately after, further corruption happens:

Run till exit from #0  azspio_socket_remove (ipc=0xc18d1000) at net/azspio/azspio.c:524
0xc0360786 in __azspio_bind (sock=&lt;optimized out&gt;, addr=&lt;optimized out&gt;, zapped=0) at net/azspio/azspio.c:563
563     in net/azspio/azspio.c

[o.o]&gt; x/2wx &azspio_all_sockets
0xc0620458 &lt;azspio_all_sockets&gt;:        0xc18d11d8      0xc18d11d8

[&gt;_&gt;]&gt; x/2wx 0xc18d11d8
0xc18d11d8:     0x00000100      0x00000200

To explain, let us examine list_del:

 * These are non-NULL pointers that will result in page faults
 * under normal circumstances, used to verify that nobody uses
 * non-initialized list entries.
#define LIST_POISON1  ((void *) 0x100 + POISON_POINTER_DELTA)
#define LIST_POISON2  ((void *) 0x200 + POISON_POINTER_DELTA)

 * list_del - deletes entry from list.
 * @entry: the element to delete from the list.
 * Note: list_empty() on entry does not return true after this, the entry is
 * in an undefined state.
static inline void list_del(struct list_head *entry) {

    __list_del(entry-&gt;prev, entry-&gt;next);          // [1]
    entry-&gt;next = (struct list_head*)LIST_POISON1; // [2]
    entry-&gt;prev = (struct list_head*)LIST_POISON2; // [3]

static inline void __list_del(struct list_head *prev, struct list_head *next) {

    next-&gt;prev = prev;
    prev-&gt;next = next;

Due to the corrupted list, the __list_del at [1] actually does nothing, and then our socket’s list members get poisoned with 0x200 and 0x100. This leaves us in an interesting position since, if azspio_socket_remove gets called again, we will end up dereferencing 0x100 and 0x200.
Assuming we close our socket now and destroy our last reference to the socket file descriptor, azspio_release gets called, which will cause another azspio_socket_remove to happen, resulting in a crash, and it’s worth noting that this also occurs if the process exits. Assuming that one could map the NULL page, this would more than likely result in a privilege escalation, but until a secondary vulnerability is found to map the NULL page, this vulnerability would only cause a denial-of-service.

Crash Information

[    7.763014] Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000104
[    7.770197] 2de10000-2de33000 r-xp 00000000 fe:00 99
[    7.771283] 2de33000-2de34000 r--p 00013000 fe:00 99
[    7.771735] 2de34000-2de35000 rw-p 00014000 fe:00 99
[    7.771967] 2de35000-2de5d000 r-xp 00000000 fe:00 62
[    7.772141] 2de5d000-2de5e000 rw-p 00018000 fe:00 62
[    7.772470] 2de5e000-2de7b000 r-xp 00000000 fe:00 96
[    7.772770] 2de7b000-2de7c000 rw-p 0000d000 fe:00 96
[    7.773654] 2de7c000-2ded1000 r-xp 00000000 fe:00 61
[    7.774182] 2dee0000-2dee2000 rw-p 00054000 fe:00 61
[    7.775085] 2dee2000-2dee3000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
[    7.775388] 2deed000-2deee000 r-xp 00000000 fe:00 19 azspio_rebind_crash_second
[    7.775900] 2defd000-2defe000 r--p 00000000 fe:00 19 azspio_rebind_crash_second
[    7.776243] 2defe000-2deff000 rw-p 00001000 fe:00 19 azspio_rebind_crash_second
[    7.776694] bed6d000-bed6e000 r-xp 00000000 00:00 0 [sigpage]
[    7.776966] bed70000-bed91000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
[    7.777510] pgd = c19e0000
[    7.777835] [00000104] *pgd=00000000
[    7.779802] Internal error: Oops: 805 [#1] THUMB2
[    7.780931] CPU: 0 PID: 50 Comm: azspio_rebind_c Not tainted 4.9.213-mt3620-azure-sphere+ #55
[    7.781678] Hardware name: Generic DT based system
[    7.782294] task: c1a7ed00 task.stack: c0d74000
[    7.783440] PC is at azspio_socket_remove+0x38/0x50
[    7.783826] LR is at mutex_lock+0x9/0x30
[    7.784248] pc : [&lt;c03604a0&gt;]    lr : [&lt;c0369259&gt;]    psr: 60000033
[    7.784248] sp : c0d74f28  ip : 00000000  fp : c0d78608
[    7.784791] r10: 00000008  r9 : c1444020  r8 : 00000000
[    7.784959] r7 : c1444020  r6 : 00000000  r5 : 00000100  r4 : c1942000
[    7.785854] r3 : c19423d8  r2 : 00000100  r1 : 00000200  r0 : c062044c
[    7.786276] Flags: nZCv  IRQs on  FIQs on  Mode SVC_32  ISA Thumb  Segment user
[    7.786659] Control: 50c5387d  Table: 419e0059  DAC: 00000055
[    7.786924] Process azspio_rebind_c (pid: 50, stack limit = 0xc0d74210)
[    7.787188] Stack: (0xc0d74f28 to 0xc0d75000)
[    7.788091] 4f20:                   00800000 c1942000 c1444000 c0360afb c1444000 c185d010
[    7.788714] 4f40: c14432a8 c02cc819 c0d78600 c02cc86d c02cc865 c0193d91 00000000 00000000
[    7.789108] 4f60: c0d620c0 c1a7f024 c0d78600 c1a7ed00 00000000 c0622194 c0d74000 00000006
[    7.789430] 4f80: 00000000 c01240ab c0d74000 c0105ce4 c0d74fb0 00000006 c0105ce4 c0107eb5
[    7.789952] 4fa0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 c0105b61 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[    7.790347] 4fc0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000006 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000
[    7.790787] 4fe0: bed80df0 bed80ddc 2debf225 2debee58 60000030 00000003 00000000 00000000
[    7.792493] [&lt;c03604a0&gt;] (azspio_socket_remove) from [&lt;c0360afb&gt;] (azspio_release+0xb7/0xd0)
[    7.792944] [&lt;c0360afb&gt;] (azspio_release) from [&lt;c02cc819&gt;] (sock_release+0xd/0x58)
[    7.793153] [&lt;c02cc819&gt;] (sock_release) from [&lt;c02cc86d&gt;] (sock_close+0x9/0xc)
[    7.793710] [&lt;c02cc86d&gt;] (sock_close) from [&lt;c0193d91&gt;] (__fput+0x65/0x140)
[    7.793923] [&lt;c0193d91&gt;] (__fput) from [&lt;c01240ab&gt;] (task_work_run+0x4f/0x78)
[    7.794229] [&lt;c01240ab&gt;] (task_work_run) from [&lt;c0107eb5&gt;] (do_work_pending+0x71/0x74)
[    7.794500] [&lt;c0107eb5&gt;] (do_work_pending) from [&lt;c0105b61&gt;] (slow_work_pending+0x9/0x18)
[    7.795003] Code: f44f 7100 f44f 7580 (6053) 601a
[    7.796026] ---[ end trace 78a837ddc818fa2e ]---
[    7.796440] Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal exception
[    8.805127] Reboot failed -- System halted


2020-07-02 - Vendor Disclosure
2020-07-31 - Public Release

7.2 High


Attack Vector


Attack Complexity




Confidentiality Impact


Integrity Impact


Availability Impact



8.1 High


Attack Vector


Attack Complexity


Privileges Required


User Interaction




Confidentiality Impact


Integrity Impact


Availability Impact



0.002 Low




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