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symantecSymantec Security ResponseSMNTC-1235
HistorySep 29, 2011 - 8:00 a.m.

Symantec IM Manager Administrator Console Multiple Issues

Symantec Security Response

0.956 High





Symantec IM Manager is vulnerable to Code Injection, Cross-Site Scripting and SQL Injection. Successful exploitation of these vulnerabilities could result in injection/execution of arbitrary code in the context of the browser or the application.




** Version**




Symantec IM Manager


8.4.17 and prior


Update to 8.4.18


CVSS2 scoring for Code Injection

CVSS2 Base Score: 7.6

Impact 9.5, Exploitability 5.5

CVSS2 Vector: AV:A/AC:M/Au:S/C:P/I:P/A:P

Exploit Publicly Available: No


CVSS2 scoring for Cross-Site Scripting and SQL Injection

CVSS2 Base Score: 6

Impact 6.4, Exploitability 6.8

CVSS2 Vector: AV:N/AC:M/Au:S/C:P/I:P/A:P

Exploit Publicly Available: No

BID 49739 has been assigned to the Cross-Site Scripting issue and BID 49738 has been assigned to the SQL Injection issue reported through Secunia Research.

BID 49742 has been assigned to the code injection issues reported through ZDI.

CVE-2011-0552 to the Cross-Site Scripting issue, CVE-2011-0553 to the SQL injection issue, and CVE-2011-0554 to the Code Injection issue.



Symantec was notified of Cross-Site Scripting and Code injection/execution issues present in the Symantec IM Manager management console. The management console fails to properly filter/validate external inputs.
Successful exploitation of SQL Injection or Remote Code execution might possibly lead to compromise of database or application
Additionally, successful exploitation of Cross-Site Scripting could possibly lead to unauthorized access to users’ session cookies or to unauthorized network information.
In normal installations, the management console is not reachable from outside the network. Hence an authorized but unprivileged network user is required to exploit these issues or to be enticed to visit a malicious link.

Symantec Response

Symantec engineers have verified these issues and released updates to address them. Symantec engineers did additional reviews of related functionality to further enhance the overall security of Symantec IM Manager. Necessary updates have been released.

Symantec is not aware of any exploitation of, or adverse customer impact from this issue.

Symantec recommends all customers upgrade to Symantec IM Manager - 8.4.18, available through theFileConnect-Electronic Software Distribution web site.

Best Practices

As part of normal best practices, Symantec strongly recommends:

  • Restrict access to administration or management systems to privileged users.
  • Disable remote access or restrict it to trusted/authorized systems only.
  • Keep all operating systems and applications updated with the latest vendor patches.
  • Follow a multi-layered approach to security. Run both firewall and anti-malware applications, at a minimum, to provide multiple points of detection and protection to both inbound and outbound threats.
  • Deploy network and host-based intrusion detection systems to monitor network traffic for signs of anomalous or suspicious activity. This may aid in detection of attacks or malicious activity related to exploitation of latent vulnerabilities


Sow Ching Shiong reported Cross-Site Scripting and SQL Injection through Secunia Research. Andrea Micalizzi, aka rgod, reported code injection issues through TippingPoint’s ZeroDay Initiative. Symantec would like to thank Secunia Research and TippingPoint ZDI for reporting these issues and providing co-ordination while Symantec resolved them.


BID: Security Focus,, has assigned a Bugtraq ID (BID) to these issues for inclusion in the Security Focus vulnerability database. CVE: These issues are a candidate for inclusion in the CVE list (, which standardizes names for security problems. The CVE initiative has assigned

symantec im managereq8

0.956 High


