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symantecSymantec Security ResponseSMNTC-111259
HistoryDec 19, 2019 - 12:00 a.m.

Cloud Foundry Cloud Controller API CVE-2019-11294 Access Control Security Bypass Vulnerability

Symantec Security Response

0.001 Low





Cloud Foundry Cloud Controller API is prone to a security-bypass vulnerability. Attackers can exploit this issue to bypass security restrictions and perform unauthorized actions; this may aid in launching further attacks. Cloud Foundry Cloud Controller API 1.88.0 is vulnerable.

Technologies Affected

  • Cloud Foundry CAPI 1.88.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 10.1.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 11.0.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 11.1.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 12.10.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 12.11.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 12.12.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 12.2.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 12.3.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 12.4.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 12.5.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 12.6.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 12.7.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 12.8.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 12.9.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 7.3.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 7.4.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 7.5.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 7.6.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 7.7.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 7.8.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 7.9.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 9.0.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 9.1.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 9.2.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 9.3.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 9.4.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 9.5.0


Block external access at the network boundary, unless external parties require service.
Use access controls to regulate external access to all services that are not intended to be publicly available.

Run all software as a nonprivileged user with minimal access rights.
To reduce the impact of latent vulnerabilities, run all server processes with the minimal amount of privileges required for functionality.

Deploy network intrusion detection systems to monitor network traffic for malicious activity.
Deploy NIDS to monitor network traffic for signs of suspicious or anomalous activity. This may help detect malicious actions that an attacker may take after successfully exploiting vulnerabilities in applications. Review all applicable logs regularly.

Updates are available. Please see the references or vendor advisory for more information.

0.001 Low


