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symantecSymantec Security ResponseSMNTC-110609
HistoryOct 22, 2019 - 12:00 a.m.

Cloud Foundry UAA CVE-2019-11282 Information Disclosure Vulnerability

Symantec Security Response






Cloud Foundry UAA is prone to an information-disclosure vulnerability. An attacker can exploit this issue to gain access to sensitive information that may aid in further attacks. Cloud Foundry UAA versions prior to 74.3.0 are vulnerable.

Technologies Affected

  • Cloud Foundry UAA 63.0
  • Cloud Foundry UAA 64.0
  • Cloud Foundry UAA 72.0
  • Cloud Foundry UAA 73.0.0
  • Cloud Foundry UAA 73.3.0
  • Cloud Foundry UAA 73.4.0
  • Cloud Foundry UAA 73.4.2
  • Cloud Foundry UAA 74.0.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 0.35.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 0.36.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 10.0.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 10.1.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 11.0.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 11.1.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 7.3.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 7.4.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 7.5.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 7.6.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 7.7.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 7.8.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 7.9.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 9.0.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 9.1.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 9.2.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 9.3.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 9.4.0
  • Cloud Foundry cf-deployment 9.5.0


Block external access at the network boundary, unless external parties require service.
If global access isn’t needed, block access at the network perimeter to computers hosting the vulnerable device.

Deploy network intrusion detection systems to monitor network traffic for malicious activity.
Deploy NIDS to monitor network traffic for signs of anomalous or suspicious activity such as unexplained incoming and outgoing traffic. This may indicate exploit attempts or activity that results from successful exploits.

Do not follow links provided by unknown or untrusted sources.
To reduce the likelihood of successful exploits, never visit sites of questionable integrity or follow links provided by unfamiliar or untrusted sources.

Updates are available. Please see the references or vendor advisory for more information.



