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HistoryMay 31, 2016 - 10:07 p.m.

Security update for cyrus-imapd (important)


0.975 High




  • Previous versions of cyrus-imapd would not allow its users to disable
    old protocols like SSLv1 and SSLv2 that are unsafe due to various known
    attacks like BEAST and POODLE.
    <a href=“”></a> remedies this issue
    by adding the configuration option ‘tls_versions’ to the imapd.conf
    file. Note that users who upgrade existing installation of this package
    will not have their imapd.conf file overwritten, i.e. their IMAP
    server will continue to support SSLv1 and SSLv2 like before. To disable
    support for those protocols, it’s necessary to edit imapd.conf manually
    to state "tls_versions: tls1_0 tls1_1 tls1_2". New installations,
    however, will have an imapd.conf file that contains these settings
    already, i.e. newly installed IMAP servers do not support SSLv1 and
    SSLv2 unless that support is explicitly enabled by the user. (bsc#901748)

    • An integer overflow vulnerability in cyrus-imapd’s urlfetch range
      checking code was fixed. (CVE-2015-8076, CVE-2015-8077, CVE-2015-8078,
      bsc#981670, bsc#954200, bsc#954201)

    • Support for Elliptic Curve Diffie–Hellman (ECDH) has been added to
      cyrus-imapd. (bsc#860611)