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HistoryJul 21, 2019 - 12:00 a.m.

Security update for ledger (moderate)


0.004 Low




An update that fixes four vulnerabilities is now available.


This update for ledger fixes the following issues:

ledger was updated to 3.1.3:

  • Properly reject postings with a comment right after the flag (bug #1753)
  • Make sorting order of lot information deterministic (bug #1747)
  • Fix bug in tag value parsing (bug #1702)
  • Remove the org command, which was always a hack to begin with (bug #1706)
  • Provide Docker information in README
  • Various small documentation improvements

This also includes the update to 3.1.2:

  • Increase maximum length for regex from 255 to 4095 (bug #981)
  • Initialize periods from from/since clause rather than earliest
    transaction date (bug #1159)
  • Check balance assertions against the amount after the posting (bug #1147)
  • Allow balance assertions with multiple posts to same account (bug #1187)
  • Fix period duration of “every X days” and similar statements (bug #370)
  • Make option --force-color not require --color anymore (bug #1109)
  • Add quoted_rfc4180 to allow CVS output with RFC 4180 compliant quoting.
  • Add support for --prepend-format in accounts command
  • Fix handling of edge cases in trim function (bug #520)
  • Fix auto xact posts not getting applied to account total during journal
    parse (bug #552)
  • Transfer null_post flags to generated postings
  • Fix segfault when using --market with --group-by
  • Use amount_width variable for budget report
  • Keep pending items in budgets until the last day they apply
  • Fix bug where .total used in value expressions breaks totals
  • Make automated transactions work with assertions (bug #1127)
  • Improve parsing of date tokens (bug #1626)
  • Don’t attempt to invert a value if it’s already zero (bug #1703)
  • Do not parse user-specified init-file twice
  • Fix parsing issue of effective dates (bug #1722, TALOS-2017-0303,
  • Fix use-after-free issue with deferred postings (bug #1723,
    TALOS-2017-0304, CVE-2017-2808)
  • Fix possible stack overflow in option parsing routine (bug #1222,
  • Fix possible stack overflow in date parsing routine (bug #1224,
  • Fix use-after-free when using --gain (bug #541)
  • Python: Removed double quotes from Unicode values.
  • Python: Ensure that parse errors produce useful RuntimeErrors
  • Python: Expose journal expand_aliases
  • Python: Expose journal_t::register_account
  • Improve bash completion
  • Emacs Lisp files have been moved to
  • Various documentation improvements

Patch Instructions:

To install this openSUSE Security Update use the SUSE recommended installation methods
like YaST online_update or “zypper patch”.

Alternatively you can run the command listed for your product:

  • openSUSE Leap 15.1:

    zypper in -t patch openSUSE-2019-1779=1

  • openSUSE Leap 15.0:

    zypper in -t patch openSUSE-2019-1779=1

openSUSE Leap15.1x86_64< - openSUSE Leap 15.1 (x86_64):- openSUSE Leap 15.1 (x86_64):.x86_64.rpm
openSUSE Leap15.0x86_64< - openSUSE Leap 15.0 (x86_64):- openSUSE Leap 15.0 (x86_64):.x86_64.rpm