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HistoryMar 14, 2017 - 6:09 p.m.

Security update for MozillaFirefox, mozilla-nss (important)


0.924 High




This update for MozillaFirefox and mozilla-nss fixes the following issues:

MozillaFirefox was updated to Firefox 52.0 (boo#1028391)
* requires NSS >= 3.28.3
* Pages containing insecure password fields now display a warning
directly within username and password fields.
* Send and open a tab from one device to another with Sync
* Removed NPAPI support for plugins other than Flash. Silverlight, Java,
Acrobat and the like are no longer supported.
* Removed Battery Status API to reduce fingerprinting of users by
* MFSA 2017-05 CVE-2017-5400: asm.js JIT-spray bypass of ASLR and DEP
(bmo#1334933) CVE-2017-5401: Memory Corruption when handling
ErrorResult (bmo#1328861) CVE-2017-5402: Use-after-free working with
events in FontFace
objects (bmo#1334876) CVE-2017-5403: Use-after-free
using addRange to add range to an incorrect root object (bmo#1340186)
CVE-2017-5404: Use-after-free working with ranges in selections
(bmo#1340138) CVE-2017-5406: Segmentation fault in Skia with canvas
operations (bmo#1306890) CVE-2017-5407: Pixel and history stealing via
floating-point timing side channel with SVG filters (bmo#1336622)
CVE-2017-5410: Memory corruption during JavaScript garbage collection
incremental sweeping (bmo#1330687) CVE-2017-5408: Cross-origin reading of
video captions in violation
of CORS (bmo#1313711) CVE-2017-5412: Buffer overflow
read in SVG filters (bmo#1328323) CVE-2017-5413: Segmentation fault during
bidirectional operations (bmo#1337504) CVE-2017-5414: File picker can
choose incorrect default directory (bmo#1319370) CVE-2017-5415: Addressbar
spoofing through blob URL (bmo#1321719) CVE-2017-5416: Null dereference
crash in HttpChannel (bmo#1328121) CVE-2017-5417: Addressbar spoofing by
draging and dropping URLs (bmo#791597) CVE-2017-5426: Gecko Media Plugin
sandbox is not started if seccomp-bpf filter is running (bmo#1257361)
CVE-2017-5427: Non-existent chrome.manifest file loaded during startup
(bmo#1295542) CVE-2017-5418: Out of bounds read when parsing HTTP digest
authorization responses (bmo#1338876) CVE-2017-5419: Repeated
authentication prompts lead to DOS attack (bmo#1312243) CVE-2017-5420:
Javascript: URLs can obfuscate addressbar location (bmo#1284395)
CVE-2017-5405: FTP response codes can cause use of uninitialized values
for ports (bmo#1336699) CVE-2017-5421: Print preview spoofing
(bmo#1301876) CVE-2017-5422: DOS attack by using view-source: protocol
repeatedly in one hyperlink (bmo#1295002) CVE-2017-5399: Memory safety
bugs fixed in Firefox 52 CVE-2017-5398: Memory safety bugs fixed in
Firefox 52 and Firefox ESR 45.8

mozilla-nss was updated to NSS 3.28.3
* This is a patch release to fix binary compatibility issues. NSS
version 3.28, 3.28.1 and 3.28.2 contained changes that were in
violation with the NSS compatibility promise. ECParams, which is part
of the public API of the freebl/softokn parts of NSS, had been changed
to include an additional attribute. That size increase caused crashes
or malfunctioning with applications that use that data structure
directly, or indirectly through ECPublicKey, ECPrivateKey,
or potentially other data structures that reference ECParams. The
change has been reverted to the original state in bug bmo#1334108.
SECKEYECPublicKey had been extended with a new attribute, named
"encoding". If an application passed type SECKEYECPublicKey to NSS
(as part of SECKEYPublicKey), the NSS library read the uninitialized
attribute. With this NSS release SECKEYECPublicKey.encoding is
deprecated. NSS no longer reads the attribute, and will always set it
to ECPoint_Undefined. See bug bmo#1340103.

  • requires NSPR >= 4.13.1

  • update to NSS 3.28.2 This is a stability and compatibility release.
    Below is a summary of the changes.

    • Fixed a NSS 3.28 regression in the signature scheme flexibility that
      causes connectivity issues between iOS 8 clients and NSS servers with
      ECDSA certificates (bmo#1334114)
    • Fixed a possible crash on some Windows systems (bmo#1323150)
    • Fixed a compatibility issue with TLS clients that do not provide a
      list of supported key exchange groups (bmo#1330612)