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springJosh LongSPRING:E8A3C46A9813A01A6A2AB88C66749746
HistoryOct 10, 2023 - 12:00 a.m.

This Week in Spring - October 10th, 2023

Josh Long
springone tour
devoxx belgium
java community

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! Last week I was in Antwerp, Belgium, for the amazing Devoxx Belgium event, and this week I’ve been in Amsterdam for the SpringOne Tour Amsterdam stop and - in the middle of the SpringOne Tour Amsterdam event - I dipped out to join my friend and fellow Java Champion Trustin Lee (@trustin) (he created Netty! the guy’s a living legend!) for a discussion and ask-me-anything at the local Amsterdam Java User Group, hosted by fellow Java Champion and local Geertjan Wielenga (@GeertjanW). It was a lovely day indeed across the two different events, and I’m grateful to have been a part of it. Now I’m in Switzerland, where tonight I’ll be speaking at the local Bern Java User Group with my colleague and friend Cora Iberkleid (@ciberkleid). And tomorrow, at long last, I head home.

We’ve got a busy week’s review ahead, so let’s dive right into it!