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springJosh LongSPRING:A1BE6D6D674A78ED08B63D34F7248E2A
HistoryApr 16, 2024 - 12:00 a.m.

This Week in Spring - April 16th, 2024

Josh Long
devoxx france
apache pulsar
spring data
spring framework

7.2 High

AI Score



Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! I’m writing this from beautiful Paris, France, ahead of the amazing Devoxx France event. I’ve come to almost all of these events over the years. It’s hard to believe it’s been more than a decade since the show was first announced. I remember when these franchise editions - Devoxx UK, Devoxx FR, Devoxx PL, Devoxx MA, Devoxx UA, etc. - were new and novel. Now, rumor has it, this year edition of Devoxx FR will be even larger than Devoxx Belgium! What a coup. I love Devoxx. I’ve talked about it endlessly, but last year’s Devoxx (the Belgian one) was, possibly, my favorite conference experience (outside of SpringOne and Spring I/O). There was something in the air. It was electric. The conversations, the optimism, the content, etc. Impeccable. And Devoxx doesn’t stop. Did you hear they jsut a new local in-IDE AI plugin called Devoxx Genie? Amazing. All that to say… I’m happy to be here and can’t wait to connect with the community!

Speaking of community… there’s a ton to get through this week, so let’s dive right into it!

7.2 High

AI Score

