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HistoryNov 13, 2014 - 12:00 a.m.

Telefonica O2 Connection Manager 3.4 - Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability


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                                                Telefonica O2 Connection Manager 3.4 Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
Vendor: Telefonica S.A.
Product web page: |
Affected version: 3.4.R1 (108)
Summary: O2 Connection Manager will help you to manage your internet
connections by getting you connected to the fastest available network.
Automatically connect you to the fastest available network including
your home broadband if you have a wireless router.
Desc: O2 Connection Manager suffers from an elevation of privileges
vulnerability which can be used by a simple user that can change the
executable files with a binary of choice. The vulnerability exist due
to the improper permissions, with the 'F' flag (Full) for 'Everyone'
group, making the entire directory 'O2 Connection Manager' and its
files and sub-dirs world-writable.
Tested on: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional SP1 (EN)
           Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 (EN)
Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic
Advisory ID: ZSL-2014-5199
Advisory URL:
Arguments Used:
        Filename = "C:\Program Files (x86)\O2CM-CE\O2 Connection Manager"
Directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\O2CM-CE\O2 Connection Manager
Type     Username                Permissions           Inheritance
Allowed  \Everyone               Full Control          This Folder Only
Allowed  \Everyone               Special (Unknown)     Files Only
Allowed  BUILTIN\Administrators  Special (DCBA654321)  This Folder and Files
Allowed  NT SERVICE\TrustedInsta Full Control          This Folder Only
Allowed  NT SERVICE\TrustedInsta Special (Unknown)     Subfolders only
Allowed  NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM     Full Control          This Folder Only
Allowed  NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM     Special (Unknown)     Subfolders and Files
Allowed  BUILTIN\Administrators  Full Control          This Folder Only
Allowed  BUILTIN\Administrators  Special (Unknown)     Subfolders and Files
Allowed  BUILTIN\Users           Read and Execute      This Folder Only
Allowed  BUILTIN\Users           Special (Unknown)     Subfolders and Files
Allowed  \CREATOR OWNER          Special (Unknown)     Subfolders and Files
No Auditing set
Operation Complete
Elapsed Time: 0,234375 seconds.
Arguments Used:
        Filename = "C:\Program Files (x86)\O2CM-CE\O2 Connection Manager\tscui.exe"
File: C:\Program Files (x86)\O2CM-CE\O2 Connection Manager\tscui.exe
Type     Username                Permissions           Inheritance
Allowed  \Everyone               Full Control          This Folder Only
Allowed  BUILTIN\Administrators  Special (DCBA654321)  This Folder Only
Allowed  NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM     Full Control          This Folder Only
Allowed  BUILTIN\Administrators  Full Control          This Folder Only
Allowed  BUILTIN\Users           Read and Execute      This Folder Only
No Auditing set
Operation Complete
Elapsed Time: 0,125 seconds.
C:\Program Files (x86)\O2CM-CE\O2 Connection Manager>icacls *.exe |findstr "Everyone:(I)(F)"
Elevate.exe Everyone:(I)(F)
locSrch.exe Everyone:(I)(F)
md5sum.exe Everyone:(I)(F)
patch.exe Everyone:(I)(F)
ProfileImp.exe Everyone:(I)(F)
SupportAssistant.exe Everyone:(I)(F)
tscui.exe Everyone:(I)(F)
vcredist_x86.exe Everyone:(I)(F)
WifiProfileImportTool.exe Everyone:(I)(F)
XAU.exe Everyone:(I)(F)
C:\Program Files (x86)\O2CM-CE\O2 Connection Manager>